Won't be turning anytime soon

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Jan 29, 2004
Lynn Haven, Florida, USA.
Trying to get the last of my new metal roof on my house before turning it over to some pros to finish the toughest part. Ladder slipped on the same bracket that I had been using for the rest of it. Long story short I fell about 20 feet onto a 2x4 railing, which my thigh shattered the railing but not without breaking my thigh bone in about 6 pieces. Two and half hours of surgery and they think they may have it together, and without an artificial hip joint which was the first idea. I have to stay off it for maybe 12-16 weeks, wonder if I can sit on a stool and turn?

Worst part was my 20-year-old daughter was painting the porch and saw me hit. Luckily my neighbors (he's in charge of local EMT service and she is an ER nurse) ran over and did CPR to get me breathing and finally started going in and out of conciousness after being out 20 minutes. Really scared her and I wish she had not had to see it. So I'm in the hospital for a few more days but consider myself extremely lucky, they thought for a while that my 53rd birthday would be my last!

Time to get some more pain meds, off to la-la land!:(
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Wow, I've heard that breaking that bone is about the most painful thing there is. thank goodness you are alive to tell the story. Also, don't wish that your daughter wasn't there. Between her and your neighbor, they saved your life. Good luck with the therapy as well.
Good to hear your luck is still holding out at 53 [:D] Most of us have already used are 9 lives. Wish you well and a speedy recovery. [;)]

I will lift you in prayer for a speedy recovery. Glad you are still with us!

Ladders can be as dangerous as saws and even more so at times. I fell off of a ladder in 2001 and broke by arm/wrist in two places beside dislocating it - 5 days before a flight back to Japan. I am OVERLY cautious on ladders now.

As bad as it is, consider yourself lucky for surviving that fall and that your neighbor and daughter being there with their knowledge and training. We will pray for a speedy recovery.

Re: turning...don't push it and do consult your doctor first.

My officemate's "son" had a ladder slip while at work last year...not too sure about the details but the ladder slipped and hit him shattering the bones on both thigh and legs. The x-ray pics that I saw would shame Frankestein's monster. I think he had more than 50 metal pins in his leg bones now and have been in theraphy and several surgeries since. He is walking again but assisted with a crotch for now. Oddly enough, his name is also Ray.
You are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Last week my wifes grandmother fell and broke both bones in her leg and she had to pull herself to a phone over a period of three and a half hours, so be glad you had help there with the knowledge and courage to know what to do.
Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery, Ray. In the mean time, however, heed everyone's advice and take it easy!
That sounds very scary. Be thankful it wasn't worse and that you will eventually get back to turning. Take care of yourself in the meantime and don't push it.
Very sorry to hear that story, I hope you heal well and fast. Makes my leg hurt just hearing your story----- I have now had 8 surgeries on one leg over the last 20 years to repair and maintain it from an accident I had. Once again my wishes for fast and full recovery.
Wow!!!! You're lucky to be alive and to have such a rapid response by trained personnel! As a nurse who works in a trauma center, it scares me just to think about your fall! And I need to get on the roof to paint a short area of my house! I'm your age and have been cautious about doing it. I am waiting till family is home before I get up! Lucky you have computer access so you can at least keep in touch with the forum and the world!!! Best of luck, do what the nurses and other caretakers tell you so you can get better. Be sure to take deep breaths every hour to help prevent pneumonia. Kirk[8D]
OMG Ray, what a close call you had, could have been much worse. Thank goodness you had help right away. Do what the Dr.s and Nurses tell you, take your meds and deep breaths whenever possible. Good luck and keep in touch!
I wish you a speedy recovery. You are very fortunate. My wife's uncle received a liver from a fella who fell off a ladder. Not to downplay your incident---but thank God you are recovering well. God bless!

I just saw your post, and hate that this happened to you. As others have said, thank goodness that good help was available quickly. Here's hoping for a quick recovery, and like others have also said, don't push your recovery.
Geez, I can't imagine the pain you must have been in. My son broke his femur in a couple of places playing football. The doc said it was the biggest cast he had ever done. The vikidin made him sick to his stomach, so we kept the aleve and motrin coming. It's amazing what doctors can do in repairing bones. Good luck in your recovery.
I hate to be the one to say this, but I think the first thing that you should start planning on turning is a cane. [:D]

Was it full CPR or just Recitative Breathing? WOW no heart beat, no breathing and you are worried about not turning, I must say congratulations on being alive! You owe that neighbor an Keg not just a beer. Although it was unfortunate to have your daughter go through that stress, you are very lucky that she was there to get your neighbor to save your life.

It will be a long road to full recovery, but its good that you will be able to walk that road.
Best of luck to a speedy recovery. Get yourself some good books from the library and maybe some video games. It will make time fly. I have to clean the gutters this weekend, you can be sure I will be extra carefull!
Get well soon.
Since arthritis will not allow me to turn for more than a very short time standing, I have learned to turn sitting down. Works for small turnings and works for pens. You need shorter handles on the tools though. Bench top Drill press on a low table, diamond hone to touch up the tools and Robert is your father's brother.

Blessings on your recovery!!!
Ray, Thank the good Lord that the railing wasn't one of those fancy, pointed wrought iron things. From experience of pulling a neighbor off one of the points once, I can only imagine what problems you would be for.

Best of luck to you and wishing you a very speedy recovery. [;)]
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