Wondering what everyone has "in stock" at shows

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Jan 31, 2010
Burlington, New Jersey
What should I have with me for a show all pens or should I do tool kechains and secret compartment key chains? So far I have only turned pens but if anyone has any suggestions as to what kits to get to turn and have for shows let me know

I have slims, cigars, Sierras,

I know it is all different but do you think it would be ok if I had say 40 slims and a few of the others
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I do the toolkit key chains and the perfume sprayers, as well as the secret compartment key rings. All sell better than any single pen style for me. I also sell a lot of the key fobs. They are a great way of using up those little pieces of acrylic or PR. The bonus is I can turn 3-4 at a time on my lathe. And they can be any length the scraps happen to be.
Had a show where all I sold was key chains last year.
I price normal key chains at $15 and secret at $20, but they don't sell REAL fast. I'm ok with that, though.

I too am curious what a key fob is! Thats what they call the remotes for unlocking cars around here.
It depends on what you can afford in both cost and time.

If you have fewer than a half dozen of a product, it will generally not sell. Kit Kaleidoscopes can sell well, but they cost a fair amount to make and you need a dozen or so for a one-day show. Peppermills also sell, but they take a long time to make and again, 8-12 choices for a show.

Learn how to sell the "writing experience" of a sierra with a Private Reserve 9000 refill and you will sell more pens than any other method I have ever found. Last one day show I did, I sold 25 sierras and a half dozen fountain pens.

Frankly, doing only one show a year, I am no where near as good at selling as I was when we did 6-8 days a month. PRACTICE makes a much better salesman.
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