Winter 2013 Meeting

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Local Chapter Leader
Apr 7, 2008
Belleville, MI, 48111 USA.
Please use this thread to discuss the up coming meeting (Jan 27) for the Michigan Chapter.

We'll be meeting at Jim Fischer's house (Belleville)

In this thread we should discuss:
  • Topics of interest for demonstrations (both requests to see, and offers to demonstrate)
  • The Snack-Supply volunteers
  • Anything else pertinent to the meeting.
We'll have a presentation from a representtative of the Blue Water Turners who will talk to use about Pens-For-Troops.

Talk/type to you soon.

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That sounds like fun ... any volunteers from those of you who have experience in identifying wood species? This could turn into a 'stump to wood wizard' thing.
stump the idiot!!!????!!!???

I'll give it a try if the wood is from the mountains of Napel I'm sure I'll loose.

Pine Lumber:RockOn::bananen_smilies104:
Not having a long or large background in much more than SPF and oak and walnut and mahogany and ramian dowel stock. I'm at a loss of some of the items that were in the WC 50 pcs packs that were sold a while ago. I will bring the sheets that WC had on the boxes, I have one of those wood id kits they sell with labeled sheets of wood. and my two wood id books.
I am not able to figure out what a number of the wood types are. Shouldn't be anything to exotic!
We are interested in coming to this meeting. How do I get an address to come, what time does it start, how long does it last???

We are interested in coming to this meeting. How do I get an address to come, what time does it start, how long does it last???

See this post with all the info and dates for up coming meetings!
As to the length of the meeting, depends on number of bodies, how long winded they are, and other fun stuff going on last one started to break up around 6ish, or when the host has had enough. come on you will enjoy it!
I plan on attending, provided the weather cooperates. I will bring desserts in the form of something sugar loaded calorie filled and certainly not healthy for you to eat. Hope to see you then.
For any body that may need one or want an extra one or collects wood vises. I will be bringing about 5/6 Wilton 50/70year or older wood vises to the meeting. I will be splitting the the cost of them sold 50/50 with the groups door prize fund. Also the same deal on some assorted planes and loose parts. All work, vises may have some slight surface rust. $10.00each
I have talked to J.B. about it at the last meeting. Any questions PM me.
Will be bringing some salty snacks. Also will bring the wood for the wood Iding
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Due to a family medical issue 85 year old mother fell and broke her hip this morning. I will not be able to make the meeting on Sunday. I will have the vises for the next spring meeting. Same deal if anybody wants one pm me.
On aside note I was leaving the hospital about 8:30pm tonight. there was still about 100 or so people that Were waiting to be seen by doctor. Hospital is full. They had the gurneys lined up in the hallways. They were asking people not to come to see people and passing out masks if you wanted them.
Planning on Attending

I am planning to attend my second meeting. Anyone from the Troy/Bloomfield/Birmingham area want to car pool? I will bring some salty snacks.
Food & Topics ...

I'm working all sorts of hours at work, so I've not had the time to pay a lot of attention to this thread.

Food -
I'll have a crock-pot of chili and will have bowls, cups, and spoons.

Thanks to those volunteering snacks.

Salty snacks (covered - thank you pesbes)
Sweet Snacks (covered - thank you betty44720)
Regular and diet soft drinks (covered - thank you pinelumber)

Don't over buy ... I'm guessing we'll have about 12 people.
Demo / Topics -
Please share questions yo umay want to pose to give others a chance to consider answers (or think of their own questions)

I have a band saw that came out of the box, assembled, then used ... if someone has the know how perhaps your could talk the group through topic of 'correctly' setting up and tuning the saw.
Talk/type to all of you soon.


PTsideshow - Too bad about the broken hip. Hope your mother is comfortable and recovers quickly. We'll see you next time. (Do you want us to save you any cookies?)
I should make the meeting and I will bring something to munch on(Jim anything we need?).I will also bring a bunch of wood for anyone interested in buying some.Hope to see you all then,Victor
Glen, sorry to hear about mom :frown::frown: and hope all goes well for her. :) I will keep her in my prayers.
Phil I am going Van Dyke to 275. If you want to meet somewhere along Van Dyke we can go together. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Jim, thank you for the hospitality today. I am greatfull for the opportunity to put faces and personalities behind the posts that I have been enjoying here for the past year.
thanks Jim for hosting once again. had somewhat of a "white knuckle" drive home as the freezing rain started almost immediately near Detroit and continued for the trip home. had a good time at the meeting though.

Jim thanks for hosting again. So glad you cleaned the place or I would of felt right at home with 3" of saw dust on the floor. Bob/Betty glad you made it home ok. I thought the bad weather started afer Cleveland in in Toledo. Slow and easy always wins the game.!!

Pine Lumber:bananen_smilies104::RockOn:
Sorry to have missed going yesterday. :frown::frown: Got up with an intestinal "thing" and would have had to have pulled a "port a potty" behind the car. :redface::redface: Feel better today but still not going to far from the head.
When is the summer meeting? I would like to attend, but I work Sundays (a very busy day in retail) and have to make a deal with the Devil to get one off. I try to use the one day off a month to attend the local woodturning meeting, but have only been able to attend two all of last year. They don't meet in the summer, so I will try to use this opportunity to attend one of these. I have been having Monday and Friday off regularly, so if anyone wants to try a weekday/evening meeting, perhaps in between our quarterly ones, I would be willing to try this. Some are day workers and /or retired, so maybe this could work for some. I would host as well, but if you don't mind being really close to the person next to you... I have a very limited work shop space for demoing but plenty of basement space for a meeting.
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The dates for 2013 are in the 'Our Next Meeting' thread.

April 28 is just a few weeks away.

We should start our discussion of topics, etc.

More later ... I'm still on the run this evening.
Spring Meeting

Hello out there is there anybody else than my self that is going to this meeting or are we not interested any more. Or are you all going to volunteer your place at once??

Pine Lumber:bananen_smilies104::RockOn:
Confirmed ... Victor's

(Similar post in the other thread)

We on for this Sunday ... Victor's House ...

I've made several phone calls this morning, left message (actually talked to a human or two) ... please help pass the word.

  • Dennis (soligen) - would you be willing to review the closed end pen jig?
  • Victor - do you think it will be warm enough for a casting?
(Hey everyone, if you post some questions up front, it would help people be prepared to help you ... please do so in this thread)

Anyone else wanting to see something? Ask now!

Anyone wanting to demonstrate something? (In grade school we called this 'showing off', but now that we're all adults, it's OK.)
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Any other food items that need to be brought. Let me know, I also have a guest to bring with, if it works out.

Been out of the loop for a bit, and "yes Jim" I did get your voice mail. Sorry I didn't get back with you.
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