Winners Tube On Casting Contest Sponsored by PTownSubbie Silicone Molds

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Dec 7, 2008
Grand Rapids, Mi
In First Place receiving Choice of any 6 "Tube-In" Molds provided by PTown Subbie Silicone Molds

Kent Wilson (reddwil)
Knights Armor Pen kit. Made using my Ironclad metal and copper pen blank with a sterling silver Celtic cross. Cast is Silmar 41 PR.

Tube 3b-2.jpg Tube 3a-2.jpg

In Second Place receiving Choice of any 4 "Tube-In" Molds provided by PTown Subbie Silicone Molds

Simon Taylor (Si90)
The pen is made around a set of Baron Chrome Fountain pen components. The blanks are made from a combination of Dress Making Pins, Carbon Fibre and Watch Parts. The pins had the head and points removed and the ends ground flat. They are then stuck to the tubes with CA. Each length down the body is made from 3 pieces. The body has a section of Carbon Fibre inlay which is made from a piece of sleeve that I cut open and stiffened by covering in thin CA before cutting and sanding to final width. The cap was first covered with Carbon Fibre sleeve and flooded with CA. A section was then turned off and further Dress Making pins applied. Watch Parts are then bent and stuck in place before casting in Tube On Moulds in Clear PR. Turned to size, sanded with Micromesh and 3 stage polishing applied using a scratch remover, polish and then a final wax is applied.

Tube 4a.jpg Tube 4b.jpg

In Third Place receiving Choice of any 3 "Tube-In" Molds provided by PTown Subbie Silicone Molds

Mike Hirsch (Indiana_Parrothead)The pen kit is a full size Majestic in 22k Gold and Rhodium. The blank is a modified watch parts. I start with painting the tube, adding the carbon fiber and letting it dry. Then Cut and drilled pieces of Tru-Stone Red JAsper with Gold Veins and slip it over the carbon fiber. Glue on all the watch parts and then cast as normal with epoxy. Turn, polish and assemble.

Tube 2a.jpg Tube 2b-2.jpg

Thank you to all who entered. It was a great contest this year. Thanks also to PTownSubbie for his sponsorship of this contest.

I will be working on prize distribution this weekend and will be in contact with the winners.

Thank you!
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Thank you all very much. Lot of outstanding pens by everyone who entered. Congrats to Simon and Mike on there awesome pens.

Eric once again Thanks for running the casting contest, you did great.

Special thanks to PTownSubbie, for his sponsorship and generous prize donations.
Congratulations Kent, a deserved winner. Congrats also to Mike on his third place - a beautiful entry.

Well done to all the fantastic entrants, some fantastic pens were produced.

Lastly, thanks to Eric for the organising, PTownSubbie for the great prizes and a big thank you to everyone who voted for my efforts. :biggrin:
Congratulations to Kent and Simon great pens guys. It was a tough contest with all the great entries, I am just proud to have made the top three, I'll have to try harder next year.

Well done contest winners!
I'm particularly fond of the concept of incorporating old watch components into the pen design. I have been a Jeweler for many years, among many other careers before having to retire. I have always had a passion for fine timepieces, and fine pens, for as long as I can remember now. What a fantastic way to "upcycle" old watch parts, and in a way, bring them back to a certain level of functionality. Keep the inspiration and creativity flowing!
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