Winners of the Pretty Wood Pen Contest.

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IAP Activities Manager
Staff member
Jul 5, 2009
Fort Myers FL
Great Pens by all! But we have 3 top rated choices from the membership.
IN 3rd place PEN 23
This pen was made by
Username: Fred Bruche
Name: Fred Bibollet Ruche
Congratulations Fred! Fred wins a BOB from Edgar!
pen 23a.jpg

In 2nd Place
Pen 8
This pen was made by
Username: DesertCanyon
Name: Liza Hendricks
Congratulations Liza! Liza wins A Gift Certificate from Robutacion $50.00
pen 8a.jpeg

And the winner of this years PW pen contest.
Pen 11
This pen was made by
Username: Darrin
Name: Darrin Thomas
Congratulations Darrin, Darrin wins a Silver Pen kit from Silver Pen Parts!
pen 11a.jpeg
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Congrats Liza and Darrin! Many other beautiful pens, tough choices.
Of the few Blingless Harvest pens I've made this is probably the nicest to my eyes. Though not enough to be at the top this year :) I'll be back!
This was a very tight race. Congrats to all who entered. There were some really amazing pieces in this contest this year!
Nice pens all - gives beginners like me something to strive towards. @Fred Bruche someday I will attempt a Blingless Harvest kit; looks fantastic. @Darrin, what is the kit you used? The waves in the gold sections really complement the contrast between the heart and sapwood.
- Paul
Way to go...congratulations. It wasn't easy choosing among all of the excellent entries.
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