Wine-o's and wanderlusts speak up!!

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Jeff has asked for input, so PUT IN!!!

A thread custom-made for you Tex, an authority on FREE TIME!!!!
Comon give me a break! Free time... what's that? I know nothing of free time, I'm a busy guy... too busy to even turn pens! :eek:

Ever since we found a quaint little spot in Arizona, it's been nothing but pouring over cabin plans, looking at lots and dealing with builders. I am a slave once again to the 11 to 2 hussle and bussle! Do you realize I awoke at 8:25 this morning!!! But it was worth it, I brewed me a nice pot of Sulawesi Toraja Sapan-Minanga coffee which I roasted yesterday, yes that's right, just one more chore on my busy plate!

No my friend, I no longer am an authority of FREE TIME! :biggrin:
Sulawesi Toraja Sapan-Minanga coffee----- Didja go to college in order to know what that stuff was????
Nope, just some trial and error ordering of samples from around the world. Only been roasting for a few months now but already have a few favorites, this is one of them. I have found that good coffee is similar to good wine in that there IS better stuff than what is on the shelves at the local Safeway for $3.95 :biggrin:

Be careful, it could be addicting.....
Oh, Crimeny, NOW he's a COFFEE expert.

Well, at least he shouldn't mind when I tell him he is FULL OF BEANS!!!

So, suggest a "Three-hour day, worked to death" category. I'm sure you will get LOTS of sympathy!!!
Oh, Crimeny, NOW he's a COFFEE expert.

Well, at least he shouldn't mind when I tell him he is FULL OF BEANS!!!

So, suggest a "Three-hour day, worked to death" category. I'm sure you will get LOTS of sympathy!!!
Well, not to put too fine a point on it but that 3 hours does include a lunch hour and sometimes a do fudge a little! :biggrin:

And I am NOT an expert, they are the ones running around slurping mouthfuls, then spitting it out so they can tell me which beans to try!

And Ed ... since I have a free moment from my hectic day, I want to share a little secret I learned (free for you to try as you see fit, just substitute RV park with craft show). Fire up the roaster and start roasting some beans. The aroma will most certainly draw a crowd from 50 yards or more on a calm day. Then as everyone is watching and asking about the beans, wait for someone to ask "do you sell the beans?". To this of course you would reply "Sorry but No, what I don't grind up for my own use I use in my custom pens". Any good salesman can take it from there! :wink:
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