Thought you all would want to see one of Linda's favorite pens. Notice how well used it is![}]
Originally posted by gerryr
<br />Actually, drug company reps give them away by the gross.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />Gee, it is a shame that it is the PEN that is well used!! [}][}][}][}][]
Originally posted by MLKWoodWorking
<br /> Notice how well used it is![][}][]
<br />
I think that happened when the Doberman's were a tad younger [:0][]Could be worse- could be NOT used!!! Although I almost think it looks like it's been kind of chewed on... ouch!
Keep that away from my husband he has enough of those things to fight me off with as it is[][8D]ten foot pole
I work for a community mental health center (I'm a social worker - supervisor at this time in my life) I could ask the drug rep though if you want to buy in GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!![:0]Just curious how much one would have to buy to get a free pen