Wierd emails

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Nov 14, 2006
Brawley, CA, USA.
Has anyone else gotten blank emails lately? I have gotten 1 or 2 a day for about 2 weeks now. There is nothing in the subject line and no message either. So wierd[:0][?]
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I don't bother reading, or even clicking on e-mails without a sender I know. Yahoo sorts them out for me, but I still find some good ones in the trash bin. I was getting them last month.
I get some that have random text written by a computer. They usually have an attachment that I don't open. I'm not sure what those are about, but it can't be good.
I've recently gone from about 500 emails per day to almost 800. There seems to be a widespread increase in spam lately. I use Cloudmark and only have to manually "block" maybe 15-20 that it misses. I've never had a false positive in the 4 years i've used it. It's a paid service, though, but it's worth every single cent at like 25/year
From what I understand is that Spam is sent out at with random names and numbers and once you open it up they know they have a live one and then you get flooded. So if it looks like Spam to me I dont open and it has decreased mine alot.
The danger on opening Spam is if they have any code hidden in the display of the email that does nasty things to your computer. Most email programs block that type of code, but some still slips through. And NEVER open the attachment.
Also, unless you know the company that the Spam is coming from, don't ever click the "Click here to remove yourself from our mailing list." That is the 'got a live one' button.
If you use Outlook, outlook express or another program running on your computer (not Yahoo, hotmail, msn or other webmail) then you can find some pretty good spam blockers to install. I've got a program based on the Spam Assassin blocker and it does a wonderful job of filtering and marking spam for me.
Out of the 200 spam messages I get daily, only 5-10 make it to my inbox, the rest go into the trash. And I have yet to see a false positive.
You guys are very popular or have a website, LOL! I get all of about 5 maybe 10 emails total each day. No spam and yes I agree, NEVER open unknown attachments or try to remove yourself from a spammer. That must be why I'm so perplexed about this 1 email... it's just nothing?????? Oh well, must be my ghost trying to contact me...............just kidding[:D][:D][:D]
I used to get 40-50 spam emails a day and then my ISP got bought out by another company. Service has improved and they have a really good spam filter that stops almost all of it. I can go view the quarantined mail list, view individual emails and choose to have them delivered or not. Anything older than 10 days is automatically deleted. Because I have a website, there are times when I have to open mail from people I don't know.

A spam email can contain either an attachment which can contain a virus or a link to a website that can put malware on your computer, but the act of opening an email message will not put any malware on your computer. Malware is code which is executable, emails are text which is not executable.
My webhost is a shark when it comes to spam, I virtually get no spam at all, I see maybe 20 a week. Also, I use Thunderbird as my email client. What gets through my webhosts filters, it catches them.
ladies and gents,
Blank messages are a test run from a spammer service. they are doing nothing more that verifying email addresses.

I run the mail services and anti-spam firewall at work. These will show up from time to time. I believe they call this address book harvesting. They send a bunch of messages to a domain using a list of known user names and wait to see what gets bounced and what doesn't. they then take this list and sell it as a valid list. they get more money for a verified list. Most of the Major ISP's are not dropping these messages at the SMTP server. Gmail has one of the best anti Spam systems in place.

Hope this helps.
Originally posted by gerryr
<br />I used to get 40-50 spam emails a day and then my ISP got bought out by another company. Service has improved and they have a really good spam filter that stops almost all of it.
Funny, my ISP just changed hands and I went for getting almost no spam to 20-30 a day. One interesting thing is I get more spam on my personal email account than my business email account.
I've been getting a lot of e-mails in which the subject line starts with [BULK]. The odd thing is that it has been spam 100% of the time until yesterday. I actually received a message from someone I know that had the term in the subject line.
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