Originally posted by Monty
<br />I love the CA finish but..................
I have two rosewood burl Jr Gents I have been trying to put a CA finish on now for the past 2 months. It consistently chips at the edge. I've tried scoring the edge, hand trimming with the barrel trimmer etc, everything except delrin bushings (don't have any)and still get chipping.
This past weekend I had to make a bacote cigar for an order. Before Christmas, I made several with no problems. Now I got the same chipping on the bacote. The only difference between now and before Christmas it is colder (upper 40's to 50's vs 65+) and damper in the shop.
I've gone so far as to let the CA cure 20+ minutes before removing from the bushings and it doesn't matter.
I don't think the the delrin bushings will help as I have been successful at removing the barrel from the bushing with out the chipping, but there is a little overhang of CA past the end. It's removing this edge when I get the chipping. Like I said earlier, I've tried hand trimming with the barrel trimmer and hand sanding with the same results.
Any suggestions?????????