...who has turned "Oosik"?

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Rudy Vey

Jan 26, 2004
South Plainfield, NJ, USA.
Who has turned Oosik? Can you give me any idea how it turns and what to expect. My turning would be larger than for a pen, more like a bottle stopper.
Is is really hard? Solid material, or does it have voids?
Let me know and if there are any tricks.
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Very dense and dulls tools quickly. Polishes up a lot like antler. Not nearly as difficult to turn as warthog tusk. Smells a lot like antler when turning.

I'm not sure I'd admit it if I had turned an oosik! But the idea of turning a pen from oosik and giving such pen as a gift to someone who always stuck a pen in their mouth - well that just makes me grin! ;-)

As usual, Lou knows what he's talking about. Me, I'm just good for the occasional joke!

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