Who has an IPhone?

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
I am sick and tired of my Sprint service and am thinking about switching to ATT and getting an Iphone. If you have one, I would love to hear what you think about it.
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I've got an iphone. I'm quite happy with it. They do have a few issues (hardware related bugs) that don't seem to show up in every phone but they are definitely there. Apple has great Customer service so the hardware issues are no big deal because if they can't fix them they give you a new phone.

From what I have heard the Data plans in the States are way better then they are up here in Canada.
My son has one and he loves it! It does cost $20.00 extra a month but this give you unlimited internet and data usage. As stated customer service is no1 he dropped his phone broke the screen and they simply gave him a new one.
I'm making the switch to Verizon myself from Alltell. But before that it was Sprint. Verizon has a few phones similiar to the IPhone but a third of the cost.
I refuse to become a pod person (remember the negative connotation that used to have) and I also refuse to get an Iphone. But then, I always buck trends it seems.

I just swapped my 3 and a half year old phone for a Samsung A737 and must say that I really like it. I looked at some of the "cooler" phones by was worried about the screens getting scratched and whatnot.
Was going to get one and went to the ATT store. Guess what, I left with a Blackberry instead. All ATT employees carried BB's and none had a Iphone.
There are some issues when you want to use the phone outside the states - I travel a lot. And one would need two sims cards for this - the card can only be changed in the stores, though. The iphone is great for videos and browsing the internet.
Two of my Tokyo co-workers purchased iPhones and love them. They both got rid of their separate PDAs and cell phones.

These two fellows recently changed from Windows (users since '95) to the Mac and they say they love the iPhone's integration ease and syncing abilities as compared to their previously - yearly search for the "perfect" integrated work experience, and driving everyone nuts in the process with all the calls and questions. Their one gripe is that it can't be tethered (yet) to their computer (do an internet link for the computer through the iPhone.)

I would love to have one but the monthly price is more than I want to pay. I don't use data, which is what drives the price beyond normal cell phone price. Other than the Data, I love the concept of full address book, full calendar, fast Wifi, full sync. I do have the iPod touch and except for the phone, the 'touch' is a MUCH better, faster and more functional than the Palm and 2 different Sony PDAs that I used to carry around the last 7 to 8 years. And the Sony's cost more than the 'touch' too.
The rate plan is no big deal to me. I use around 2,000 minutes a month and already pay $100/mo for Sprint. I heavily rely on the net and find many times that while out in the field (I am a custom builder) I need to get something off the net. In the past, if it was critical, like determining the height of something for ADA, I would have to drop what I was doing and go find a computer with net access.

Sure you can get internet on other phones but not with as large of a screen or true internet functionality. On an iphone, the net looks just like it does on my home computer. I actually visited my website and opened my worthless wood tutorial and was able to zoom in navigate just fine!

As for the other comments...the sim car on the new Iphone is supposedly easy to remove yourself. Also, the reason the employees don't have Iphones, according to the one I asked, is because they are not allowed to buy them unless they pay full price which is $600 or so! When you establish new service with an Iphone, the price is $199 for the new ones so that price is just as good as any other multimedia phone.

Anyway, thanks for the comments so far.
My wife has one and loves it. We tested out the new 3G version a couple of days ago and it is MUCH faster but that comes with some down sides: faster battery drain, less reliable data service (AT&T just had a "nationwide" 3G data outage in the last week); $10 more per month than the regular iPhone. But having a GPS in your pocket is Really handy.

Go to your local store and try one. The "no tactile response" keyboard is very different and some people just can't get used to it. And if you have "big paws" it is prone to typing errors.

If I could justify it I would get me an iPhone but I had just bought a Blackberry when the new "office friendly" software came out so it will cost me a bunch to upgrade again.


I am on my third iPhone and I love it. I am on the plane now writing this message
after looking at the IAP web site. I have had windows mobile
Phones and think these are the best. There are some limitations
But they are great. PM me and I will give you more info.

I travel a lot and I change sim cards myselF on the unlocked iPhones I have had.
I've had one for almost a year and am very happy with it. It does give me a little trouble sending mail on my aol account on occasion but otherwise all worked as advertised. I like the big numners on the phone and how bright the screen is. You can easily read your email or a web page in sunlight. I found a lot of the blackberrys to be hard to read in direct sun and the numbers were too damn small for my fingers to push.
Guess some of us still live in the dark ages. I've never owned a cell phone. Funny thing about them tho. You can be in a cafe 3-4 booths away from people & can't hear a thing they say, but let that thing ring & you can plainly make out every word said. And sometimes both sides of the conversation.
I don't even have a cell phone, but then I'm that guy on TV that doesn't have AT&T so can't get the call anyway... We don't get much choice here in the hollers for cell phone towers and the locals don't want them cluttering up the landscape so I'm tied to a land line which suites me fine anyway. I lived 60+ years without a cell phone, finally got one in Houston and it was more trouble than was worth, so I'm back without one.
During a disaster like we are going through here in Louisiana it's my only way of keeping up with what's going on.
. . . I heavily rely on the net and find many times that while out in the field (I am a custom builder) I need to get something off the net.

Sure you can get internet on other phones but not with as large of a screen or true internet functionality. On an iphone, the net looks just like it does on my home computer. I actually visited my website and opened my worthless wood tutorial and was able to zoom in navigate just fine!

. . . Anyway, thanks for the comments so far.

Congratulations on your purchase. Your comments above is something that many people fail to realize. The fact that the iPhone is not the first with Wifi or Web ability conditions most people to think that it can't be that functional. BlackBerrys are great for mail, but slow in web searches/surfing; other phones have other features but they are so slow with web that it makes it hard to believe just how much the iPhone and 'touch' can do from an everyday "practical" stand point.

The iPhone (and iPod 'touch') have large screens that make internet viewing MUCH easier than smaller phones and ones with half the keyboard space taking up screen space. While some people prefer "tactile" response of a physical keyboard, it then defeats the purpose by making the screen practically unfunctional.

My 'touch" gets me lots of web content quickly via lots of the Wifi places that I visit, and email is almost as fast in DLs as is on my wired computers.

Enjoy your phone. But please give us a report after a month of so of use.
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Congrats Curtis, Those phones seem to be pretty neat, but am I the only one who cant seem to figure out my basic phone? Let alone an IPhone? Also, Am I the only one in the world, except for maybe Mike, that does not have an IPod? Jeez, I can't even figure out my family cell phone bill. By the way, all of you out there that has a family plan, have you noticed they try to sneak an extra charge on you now and then? Check it over month to month, I will bet you will be surprised. Good luck with it Curtis, I hope it works out for you!
Congrats Curtis, . . but am I the only one who cant seem to figure out my basic phone? Let alone an IPhone? Also, Am I the only one in the world, except for maybe Mike, that does not have an IPod?

No you are not. LOML can't figure out anything without WRITTEN instructions that give the explanations in an almost 1-2-3-4 list/step form. And when the instructions change with an update or new phone - It's off to memorizing the "list" of instructions for her. Same on a computer. The sad part about trying to get her to 'try' something is that when she DOES try to do something with her "intuition", it is something like "I am going to delete the system cause I don't ever use it"! :eek: :rolleyes: :biggrin: After about 4 to 5 times of trying to get her to "experiment and try something on her own" to get the "feel", I stopped. I also learned this from trying to help a few other people. Some people do best with 1-2-3 lists of instructions to follow - and this is where the IT industry was born! :wink:

I also have difficulty in getting LOML (and those others like her) to ask the right questions or at least "listen to the key words" and use those words. No go for her on those either.

AS to the iPhone, I was able to hold and use a friend's last month. It does so much more than my regular cell, but it is so intuitive that there was no learning curve for me. Because it does so much more than a regular cell phone and because it is a "smart" phone, it has the perception that it should be more to learn and more difficult to operate. But not so for me. Common sense dictates that since it has more features and larger screens, it should be slower as the system needs to support more functions. Entirely NOT so! Quite the opposite - very fast in WiFi as well as moving from section to section and games as compared my "unsmart" phones.

The iPhone and the iPod touch have a motion detector in it that works GREAT in games. I have one Go Cart like game in which I hold the iPod like a small steering wheel. I steer like I would if it were a steering wheel. It is that fast at detecting motion changes and relaying them to the software and making the cart change directions. And for me, I had to change the sensitivity switch to "S L O W" - for me to cut down on oversteer. It is that fast, that interactive and that sensitive - and very intuitive.

But, I bought the iPod touch for one reason - the ease of use and to get rid of my Japanese Sony Clie PDA. The 'touch' is my PDA and PIM all in one and EASY to figure out. On my Japanese Sony, I had "learned" to use it and its many functions but with lots of difficulty. (PDA/PIM - Personal Digital Assistant / Personal Information Manager) A Smart Phone is a PDA (mini computer) with integrated and interactive phone, web surfing and email that is just as fast as on a computer.

Even though I bought my 'touch' in the States, it is simple to switch on "allow Japanese text" and one touch and it allows Japanese input, or one touch and it will switch to Japanese menus. European languages are also available just as easy and fast.

I am on my 3rd cell phone here in Japan and I have yet to figure out beyond the basics. It has taken me two years to learn all the discombobulated and backwards menus. The center button on my phone does the dialing. Only the "phone" (pictured) on some phones do the dialing. No consistency. But the iPhone is easy to use for an intuitive learner. None of this discombobulated complicated button stuff.


I just got one and its by far the best smartphone out there. AT&T's service is great. The ported my address book from my Razr phone to the iPhone at no charge. My wife and son each have one of the first iPhones and both really like it.

I will tell you though that I'm a big Apple fan. I find that nearly everything works just like I expect it would and there is little or no need for manuals. At any rate, they offer a 30 day return policy so give it a try!

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