Was going to make a pen out of Blood wood but one of the blanks exploded . so i was thinking of using the remaining blank for one half of the pen and some white or cream color for the other to make a pen in the colors of OU using red chome parts
If you can get some deer antler, it couples nice with bloodwood (IMHO). Of course, you might be better just scrapping that pen, finding some burnt orange material, and making a UT Longhorn pen instead. Haha, just kidding. Good luck with the pen!!
A UT longhurt what pen LoL . Actually I was planing on covering the colors of several colleges eventually depending on how this turns out. Of course I would like to use logos but I am sure there are copyright laws. so I plan on sticking with just the colors.
The challenge you will have is in sanding... Keeping the red dust from bleeding into the light wood. I would ask for suggestions but one option is to use thin ca before you start sanding and continue use in between grits but only after you clean off with denatured alcohol first.
I've gotten antler whiter by soaking in peroxide for long periods of time but that's bone, not wood. Good luck.