White House Downed Tree

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Feb 3, 2005
Noblesville, Indiana, USA.
From what I've learned. This wood is just denser than balsa and would be good for turning. Someone should make a few calls. Some sort of a group donation of turned pens sounds interesting. Any thoughts?
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Maybe we can get the founders to make a call or something. I know from the news they are going to mulch it up and use it on the capital grounds.
The tree was turned into mulch this morning. That is standard operating procedure for the National Park Service which is charged with maintaining the White House grounds.

The tree was turned into mulch this morning. That is standard operating procedure for the National Park Service which is charged with maintaining the White House grounds.

NEVER let logic get in the way of SOP!!!

Government at its stupidest!!!
The tree was turned into mulch this morning. That is standard operating procedure for the National Park Service which is charged with maintaining the White House grounds.

:eek: You mean the government actually did what they said they would...... AND QUICKLY TOO!!!!!!! :eek:

What is this country coming to when government agencies actually work promptly????:confused:
City of austin has had a few notable trees go down (or forced take down, ala the barton springs tree issue right now). Anyway, I had dinner with one of the main guys responsible for austin's parks. He said when notable trees go down, they either sell the wood to wood workers to make unique furniture pieces. Or, they save the tree/limbs for their own novel uses. IE, when Treaty Oak was almost poisoned to death a few years back, they had to prune it back significantly. They store the wood sealed and as awards, etc. are needed for the city offices, they'll take a chunk off and use it as a part of the award (either for plaques or even turn pens!).

So, long winded way of saying, one "government" service does it right... how do we get another to follow suit!
NEVER let logic get in the way of SOP!!!
Ed, it would take 30 people to vote on this change first, that take a minimum of 2 weeks. Then it has to be approved by whoever is in charge of the Park Service, another 2 weeks. Then all the paperwork (in triplicate) has to be filed, another 2 weeks. Then the crew that actually goes to do it is upset by the change in policy, another 2 weeks. By now the lawn has been ruined by the downed tree. It has to be fixed, it is the White House after all, another 2 weeks. Now they have to store the wood and run checks to make sure it isn't going to be a hazard to anyone, another 2 weeks. Then they have to decide who can get the wood and who can't, another 6 weeks. Then they have to distribute the wood to those deemed worthy, another year. And another 4 weeks to decide who should be doing all this. We have now gone a year and a half and the wood is now either bug infested or rotted. Mulching it up is so much simpler, just destroy all evidence that the tree ever existed and everyone is happy.
So, long winded way of saying, one "government" service does it right... how do we get another to follow suit!
That would take decades of arguing and voting, not to mention all the paperwork involved. Put Austin through a chipper and destroy all evidence that it ever happened. :biggrin:
The tree was turned into mulch this morning. That is standard operating procedure for the National Park Service which is charged with maintaining the White House grounds.

Now, what on earth do they need mulch for? They should have enough bull#@*t around there to mulch the entire DC area 100 times over. They even have enough extra to package it and sell it under the label "socialized health care". :biggrin:
Has anyone emailed the president on his blackberry and asked him why they do this? I imagine that it would knock the national debt down by about .000000000000001% if they sold some of the wood from around the grounds there. Similar to what they do with the bethlehem olive wood.
Has anyone emailed the president on his blackberry and asked him why they do this? I imagine that it would knock the national debt down by about .000000000000001% if they sold some of the wood from around the grounds there. Similar to what they do with the bethlehem olive wood.
Two more years before he even reads it.:biggrin:
Hey, two years ain't nothing IF you can figure out a way to send your message to "his" telepromter" thingie it would be national, if not worldwide, news instantly ... :eek:
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