Tupelo wood, basswood, butternut and Red Bay are just a few good woods to start on. I would highly recommend that you go by the wood store, or a magazine store and check out several of the wood carving magazines. There are several that are written here in the States that address very basic projects, and also have a few projects in them for more advanced carvers. There are several other magazines that are published out of England that are beautifully done, but really do not address new carvers. They are pretty to look at though, and have some examples of the highest form of carving both from the skills level, and artistic level.
My Fathers family is up from your neck of the woods, and last year there was a carving festival/show that they visited, and Dad says there was some outstanding work there. In the back of several of the carving magazines there is a list of clubs, and where and when they meet. By far the quickest way to get some help, and guidance is with an established club. They will probably be your very best resource, so look for a club that meets in your area. They will know about classes/instructors in your area, and will be indespensible in getting you hooked up with local resources and good deals on carving stuff. Hit me up on email, and I will send you some stuff!