I can't claim , Tom , to be even vaguely "self financing " but it makes me happy making things.
On that basis my good Lady is quite happy ( as far as I know and I'm not going to rock the boat by suggesting otherwise to her) as it gives her lots of good ideas for presents for me! Although I do admit to sometimes buying it myself and there just could be a small amount of inaccuracy in the costings given
Ive never asked her to buy bandsaw blades for me though so that's an idea
For what to worth - the above ideas are all great but it comes down, for me anyway, to what value you put on fun? I would suggest going along to a club and trying the hobby out then seeing what you ENJOY using vs what does the job and weighing it up.
As , over here we may soon be "self isolating "for 2 weeks if we get a cold or sniffle , I am claiming to be laying in supplies just in case !! Wife is a nurse so sympathy doesn't come into the equation , that's reserved for patients.