Is it just me or have our group buys become VERY scarce? We used to be having one every other week now it seems they are months apart. They seemed to disappear about the same time as our format change.
Is it just me or have our group buys become VERY scarce? We used to be having one every other week now it seems they are months apart. They seemed to disappear about the same time as our format change.
Bob,I guess should have been more specific, I meant the pen group buys. Don, not to be arguementative but if you look, the ones listed, the eight you mentioned are mostly from earlier in the year not May. I am not opposed to running one, although I never have. I have just noticed that even Kent's group buy was very short as was Goodturns. i know the economy has a part, I think we are closing the plant where I work as well. I will know this week.
Don, not to be arguementative but if you look, the ones listed, the eight you mentioned are mostly from earlier in the year not May.
Just curious... how is the format change related to group buys?Is it just me or have our group buys become VERY scarce? We used to be having one every other week now it seems they are months apart. They seemed to disappear about the same time as our format change.
My first glaring comment would be communication has become much harder.
1. titles of threads cannot be edited. I used this often to get peoples attention when they needed to re read my post for updated info. basically information about any changes are nearly impossible to get to everyone.
2. the only way anyone knows a buy is going on is if they intentionally go to the group buy forum. I constantly have people e-mailing me a month or more after a buy was posted with comments such as I just saw you did a buy for XXX. basically visibility really needs to improve if possible. I realize that every post in a group buy getting listed on the home page is annoying. but maybe a side bar that shows the current active group buys could be done. just a random how could this be helped thought.
4. Moderation seemed to me to have a bit of a rocky start (to be expected) but seems to have settled in. my only problem with what is going on there is that as far as I can tell. old threads are actually being deleted. in some cases this is a bit like deleting my business records and has at times caused problems for me. in most cases I keep duplicate records as much as I can. At times I have needed to go back to the original thread and search for something only to find it is gone. my computer is my back up to info on this site, often this site is back up to my computer. I have had far more computers die.