What Would You Choose?

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May 8, 2009
Omaha, NE
If you could make ONE pen out of any wood/material, what wood/material would you choose?

I've thought about it and I personally can't decide, which is why I pose the question.
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I can narrow it down to 3 but it also would depend on the day, time of day and the particular pieces i had to choose between. I know thats not much help.
I really like Bruce Boone's work with titanium, also like the super segment pieces that Steve and the Gisi's/Kaspar put out. Hey, you asked......
I made a couple slims from blanks labeled "Livvinga Burl" when I first started and I wish now that I had held on to them for a better (bigger) kit. Real light in color nice looking.
I like the "Big Leaf Maple Dyed Burls"
Also a two tone Burl would work for me Amboyna looks great but i have yet to turn one.
That is my top 3 right now.
Ask me tomorrow and it may change.
Man, there is an open question. First things to pop to mind, in order they occurred, not in order of importance.
A piece of the True Cross?
The ships wheel of the Titanic
The original liberty tree from Boston.
Nathan Hale's gallows pole?
a branch of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
one of Moby Dick's teeth (the whale dammit)
the shaft of the spear of destiny?
The gun carriage of one of the canon at the Alamo?

Now if you are restricting this to real stuff,
I would love to get my hands on some certified wood from one of the witness trees at the Gettysburg battlefield, or some of the structure of the Nuestra Señora de Atocha, or some salvaged wood from ongoing repairs of the USS Constutition.

just for a few.
After thinking I came up with these ,#1 Any blank that Eagle had made , after that in no piticular order ,Real Mokume Gane, Real Damascus Steel,Mammoth Ivory,Preban Ivory, a couple I have already made but the question was if I could make one.
If I'm the one using it, either black ebonite or a dark celluloid. Both have a unique warm feel when writing. Been using a black ebonite for a few years, but may make a switch shortly or at least alternate.

If its wood and for looks, a tie between rosewood burl, desert ironwood burl and olivewood burl.
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