What will you be looking for at the MAPG??

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Band Saw Box

Passed Away Dec 8, 2021
In Memoriam
Sep 21, 2013
Hampton, VA 23666
Just a few more hours or 36 hours until the start of the MAPG. I was wonder what looking you are looking for while you are there. I'm hoping to find a watch part blank for a Jr Gent or Baron, I puzzle blank for the same type kits, Burl blanks and kits.
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I'll be picking up another display case from Roy. I'm sure I'll find a few other things to spend my money on.

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I'll be setting up Friday, if I remember what Bruce said, 10am when the store opens, or just after, for all the stragglers that come in before the 7pm start. I do not want to repeat last years late start.
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