What the heck was I thinking?

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Jan 2, 2008
Larned, Kansas, USA.
There is another forum that I frequent, and they are always complaining about money. So I decided to do something nice. I said that for every $20 donated to the site. I would send them a free slimline. I was expecting about 4 or 5 responses, since it was the weekend..

I have to make 21 pens.....

Far in excess of what I expected, but it helped them out and it gets my pens out there..... So it's good...
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The site is called the place holder, it's a closed BS'ing site. I've known a lot of the posters there for years....

I'm going to donate the pens. This is the first time I've done a donation like that to a site. All I'm making for them is simple slimlines. Giving the donor the choice of 3 woods and 5 hardware options.

Thanks for the offer, though...
I got my kits ordered and the people who participated have made their choices in wood and hardware... This should be fun. I need to post pics of when I'm done..
Good attitude and good luck! Hopefully it will also lead to some new customers.

I think it's starting to, I have 3 people who want to talk to me after this is done. And there is a raffle here at the beginning of next month at the K of C hall and I'm going to donate a pen/pencil set for them to raffle off for a fundraiser.
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