Yes, I agree, vacuum pump oils are very specialised oils that you don't find in hardware stores, autopro -shops or similar, not here in Australia, I made the mistake of not buying 1 gallon of this oil when I got the 2 stage pump or soon after and at the moment I have the pump without any oil as the one I had got badly contaminated.
I've spend most of the day looking for this oil type the the biggest town next door and came home empty handed. Most people never heard of it and try to convince you that any of the thin oils will do, and if you aren't properly informed, you endup buying t\what they want to sell you and you ruin your pump, simple...!
However, not "common" in most stores, is nothing that special about this oil, apart from being nearly as thin as water and used on something that is not an everyday type tool so, stores don't store it, despite of this, I can not see how eBay seller in Australia, are trying to charge $99.00 for 1xgallon + $20 odd bucks for freight, that is just robbery...!
I've seen some places in the USA selling this oil in gallons (US gallons) for under $40.00, that seems to be a much more realistic price for 3.7lt of this oil however, the shipping they want to charge to send it here, would make it $100 plus...!
damn if you do, damn if you don't...! bugger.
The worse part is that at the moment with the holiday season upon us, most specialised shops have closed a week ago and many will only open after the middle of January 2013 so, my mistake of not thinking of this, a couple of months ago, silly me...!:frown: