What books do you all like to read?
Favorite Authors?
One of my favs is Vince Flynn. He writes political thrillers.
Favorite Authors?
One of my favs is Vince Flynn. He writes political thrillers.
Originally posted by arjudy
What books do you all like to read?
Originally posted by randyrls
Originally posted by arjudy
What books do you all like to read?
If pushed to it, I will read the back of a cereal box!
Love Wikipedia!
My High School year picture has a caption; "Librarian's Pet; Has read every book in the school library." Not true; There were three books I didn't read. One was a beautiful book of print plates on Fashion in the 18th Century, The second was "White's Commentary on the Bible" (I had already read). I don't remember the third.
Originally posted by Chasper
I can't help but notice that almost no one in this thread reads anything written by a woman. I admit that I tend to fall asleep when I'm reading about feelings and emotions; give me adventure or an insight into history and I'll read all night. I read the William Sarabande First Americans series a couple years ago, it is just the type of setting and adventure I love, but all the way through I kept thinking that the author was spending too much time focusing on the internal emotional conflicts of the characters and I wanted to read more about the great adventures. It wasn't until I finished the series that I found out that William Sarabande was the pen name of a woman. As a young and sensitive English major and former Literature teacher, I thought I had an appreciation for a finely tuned and emotionally charged novel. I've turned into a literary sexist who likes action heros.
I belong to the Oprah Book Club.
Originally posted by JWW
Biographies, non-fiction.
A wonderful true story adventure, One Man's Wilderness by Richard Proenneke.
Originally posted by Chasper
I belong to the Oprah Book Club.
It takes a real man to admit that, you have my admiration.
Originally posted by karlkuehn
Most all of my reading is done a few minutes at a time, typically while I'm on the verge of falling asleep. They almost always consist of woodworking tutorials and books.
I have some of the weirdest dreams about giant lathes chasing me down a gradually narrowing corridor lined with Ebay billboards that are flashing with photo booth lights and spewing lint everwhere. Usually, a freakishly distorted version of Richard Raffan or Alan Lacer is offering support by throwing huge and unsharpened skew chisels in from the sidelines, typically point-first, while yelling, "cut, fool, don't scrape!!!" Those guys are pretty intense.
Later on it gets a little weird with the Easter Bunny and the pomegranates. Apparently the Bunny would appreciate it if I'd butcher-cast him in little pieces and distribute the blanks to the world to propagate belief and trust in the sanctity of colored eggs. Unfortunately, I always feel bad when I'm dealing with suicidal rabbits, and never quite get the job done. The pomegranates are just there to support the bunny, because they're good at it.
Then comes the technicolor pterodactyl to save the day, which is always my favorite part of the dream. Usually at this point I wake up and cry because I realize that no matter how hard I try, you just can't make a pen out of a watermelon.
Explain the benefits of Alumilite to me again...Maybe I'm slow but I just don't see the point of un-sniffable resin.