For those who do shows, let me say I thought pendants were a LOUSY idea. Then Dean (Alphageek) came to the office (where exotics stuff is kept) and we discussed the viability of the "pendant". I was very firm and convinced! "A Man," I stated dogmatically, "Is NEVER gonna sell JEWELRY to a woman"!! Followed by: "There is NO SHORTAGE of GOOD jewelry vendors at any shows WE do!!!"
Dean listened attentively and just said he was gonna TRY it. (Poor naive, young man didn't KNOW that I was OBVIOUSLY correct).
So, we invited Dean to join us in MY booth at an outdoor show. Dean did VERY well selling ONLY pendants.
I can be persuaded. I was.
Wanna pass up 25% of the potential sales???? Don't do pendants.
And they SHOULD be in "Other things we make", so you CAN avoid seeing them, if you like. Jeff hasn't told us to cut back on pen posting cause he's running out of cyberspace, YET!!!