What I give thanks for this season.

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
I don't have a lot of money (and anyone who knows me knows that this is not how I'm wired,money is only a survival tool in my book) so what really matters to me are my family and friends, and at the top of the list is my three nephews.Everyone is healthy and doing well,I will sit down to a nice meal with them today(and that my friends is what really matters in this life).I would also like to thank all my new friends/customers on the IAP I like to think that they are one and the same(friends and customers).You all have been a huge help in me even giving Landfill Lumber a real thought as a business,my feedback from so many has been so positive and inspiring that this keeps me going when wood is not selling.I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and make sure you let those you love know it,life can be taken in an instant so leave it all out on the table as I like to say.Thank You everyone again,Victor
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I'm thankful for my beautiful wife, she is my world.

I'm thankful to be an American and to live, work and share in the great standard of living we have here.

I'm thankful for my hobby of pen making, this great forum and the many friends and relationships that I've made in my time here.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :biggrin:
I am thankful first and foremost for the love and grace that God the Father has shown me. I am thankful for the love of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in giving me the opportunity to stand with Him as a brother. I am thankful to have been blessed to be born and live in the USA (God BLESS the USA!!). I am thankful to those who have served, are serving, and will serve, to keep this country free. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to serve this country as a United States Marine. I am thankful to have the blessing of a good job. I am thankful for a beautiful, loving, and understanding wife of 29 years. I am thankful for my health with each breath I take. I am thankful for 3 wonderful children and 5 awesome grandchildren. I am thankful for the abilities and talents I have been blessed with. I am thankful that no matter what I may face in this life, that I do not have to allow it to dictate to me how I will face it! I am thankful to be able to help those who are in need, encourage those who are discouraged, morn with those who are in morning, and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. I am thankful for those to my left and those to my right. I am thankful for those who have come before me and for those who will follow me. I am thankful to be able to swim up stream instead of simply going with the flow. I am thankful that the things I have forgotten to be thankful for will come into remembrance so that I can then be thankful for them. I am just as thankful for the little things in life as I am the major. And I am thankful that with each and every day that passes, I will have even more to be thankful for.

Have a very Happy and Thankful Thanksgiving!!
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I am thankful to have been blessed to be born and live in the USA (God BLESS the USA!!). I am thankful to those who have served, are serving, and will serve, to keep this country free.

Greg; I have a set of "Life Rules".

Rule 4: People vote with their feet!

If you want to see which country is the best, look for the one everyone is trying to get into, if you want to find the worst, look for the one where they put up fences to keep people in!
I am thankful that even though I do not have a lot, I have plenty. As I set here with my family and friends running around, the smell of Thanksgiving dinner filling my house, The Parade on television and the laughter of my wife and children in my ears. I am very content. I am very Rich.
On a personal note to this group, I am grateful that this group gives me a reason to stay involved active and busy. It gives me something to be challenged with often. I do enjoy that. I am also Thankful for the people I find here, the quality of the character in this group. Time and time again I think you all cannot surprise me with how giving caring and just plain upright you will be. Only to be amazed again. I have seen this group go from not only supporting it's members in our craft, hobby or for some business. it has made a huge impact for many in there personal lives.
Thank you all for making this a group, that I am more and more proud every day, to call myself a part of.
I could have not have said it better than Greg did, We also have three Children and 5 grandkids in various parts of the country and it will not be possible for us to be together,
They will be here in spirit and by phone. I am thankfull also for all the friends I have made on this site.
Have a happy holiday season
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