What I did at the sawmill.Weeeeeeeeeee

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
Hello, well I made it back with my back intact,and with a lot of nice hard Maple.This log was 27" diameter large end and 24" small end it had lots of branches a few that where dead.I got to mill this log due to the branches its nice to have a very good friend who runs a full time sawmill operation(I get cheap/free logs).This log must have weighed 1500 Lbs. my buddies Kubota tractor could not lift it I had to roll it over to the mill with the forks of the tractor.I hope you enjoy looking at my sawmill trips I figured you wood nuts would like to see them.Thanks,Victor

OH! and me and mu buddy ran 400 square feet of quarter sawed red oak flooring(time consuming).

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Makes me miss Pa. in the woods on my inlaws farm where I used to run my sawmill bussiness. I can smell the fresh cut cherry sawdust now :):) Boy do I miss it.

Keith "mrburls"
I'm happiest when I'm out side or in the woods.I look forward to my trips to the mill they keep me sane,as I live just north of Detroit.It makes for a nice 2-3 day escape from the concrete jungle.Oh and Brad I can make you as many pen blanks from it as you like,I wish the log had more figure or spalting but it was pretty clear.Still great turning stock it did have some nice pinks in with the whites.Thanks for looking,Victor
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