The Pass It Forward chain trade?
Not sure if anyone remembers me posting an idea back in Dec about starting up another chain trade similar to some of the ones that have been done (and are still ongoing), but it did actually get approved.
However, I was asked to hold off on it till the Bash was completed so as not to get things confused. (Personally, I think it was a desperate attempt on Cav's part to retain what little sanity he had left from setting up and managing the Bash.) :biggrin:
Which BTW - seems to have been a resounding success and with out a doubt all of the folks who helped set it up, run it, contributed, and participated deserve a huge kudo!
Well, Cav sent me an IM to let me know that we could get the Pass It Forward chain trade started shortly after the Bash is wrapped up (again, I think it's that whole sanity thing).
So, the exact date is yet to be set. However, I can share a few tidbits here:
The actual sign up and instructions will be posted in at least two different areas - so keep an eye on the Activities Forum and the Trades Forum for more info. Just for grins and giggles, I may even post something here as well.
The box that I will be sending out to start the trade off is already packed and ready to go. Just needs an address of who to send it to.
We are going to also add a bit of a twist to this trade in that there will be a small "fee" of $5 to join into the trade. The money will all go to the IAP.
The theme is going to be to share your best with some else. In someways this is why the name is Pass It Forward. The idea will be to share with someone else something involved in Pen Making that you are very proud of.
This can be anything from homemade kit components, to exceptional blanks, a unique tool, etc. Each of us brings something unique and interesting to this forum and this will be an opportunity to share it with others.
Couple of things to keep in mind, this trade is an opportunity to share and contribute to the community. Its not a competition of any kind.
We have a huge range of experiences and skills in the group and every single one of us has something that we can contribute. Whether it is a unique blank that we discovered in the firewood pile, a custom clip we created, a homebrew PR blank we are especially proud of, or a unique tool that we came up with. Even the newest turner will have something that they are proud of and willing to share with the group.
And that is what this trade will be about. Sharing something you are personally proud of while receiving something someone else is proud of.
One of the other things you will see in the instructions is that several efforts have been made to keep things simple and manageable. For example, there is a strict requirement that the package be kept to a small flat rate box size. This is important in that our member's generosity and willingness to share large quantities of items is always highly appreciated - the fact is that a growing size of the box being shipped can become a burden on the next fellow. So, we are going to concentrate on quality versus quantity.
Finally, the trade will be open to our friends outside of the States and there will be a way to work through the shipping requirements and costs.
I hoping lots of folks are going to want to contribute and will sign up.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them here.
Take care and keep your eyes open for the sign up and instructions!
Not sure if anyone remembers me posting an idea back in Dec about starting up another chain trade similar to some of the ones that have been done (and are still ongoing), but it did actually get approved.
However, I was asked to hold off on it till the Bash was completed so as not to get things confused. (Personally, I think it was a desperate attempt on Cav's part to retain what little sanity he had left from setting up and managing the Bash.) :biggrin:
Which BTW - seems to have been a resounding success and with out a doubt all of the folks who helped set it up, run it, contributed, and participated deserve a huge kudo!
Well, Cav sent me an IM to let me know that we could get the Pass It Forward chain trade started shortly after the Bash is wrapped up (again, I think it's that whole sanity thing).
So, the exact date is yet to be set. However, I can share a few tidbits here:
The actual sign up and instructions will be posted in at least two different areas - so keep an eye on the Activities Forum and the Trades Forum for more info. Just for grins and giggles, I may even post something here as well.
The box that I will be sending out to start the trade off is already packed and ready to go. Just needs an address of who to send it to.
We are going to also add a bit of a twist to this trade in that there will be a small "fee" of $5 to join into the trade. The money will all go to the IAP.
The theme is going to be to share your best with some else. In someways this is why the name is Pass It Forward. The idea will be to share with someone else something involved in Pen Making that you are very proud of.
This can be anything from homemade kit components, to exceptional blanks, a unique tool, etc. Each of us brings something unique and interesting to this forum and this will be an opportunity to share it with others.
Couple of things to keep in mind, this trade is an opportunity to share and contribute to the community. Its not a competition of any kind.
We have a huge range of experiences and skills in the group and every single one of us has something that we can contribute. Whether it is a unique blank that we discovered in the firewood pile, a custom clip we created, a homebrew PR blank we are especially proud of, or a unique tool that we came up with. Even the newest turner will have something that they are proud of and willing to share with the group.
And that is what this trade will be about. Sharing something you are personally proud of while receiving something someone else is proud of.
One of the other things you will see in the instructions is that several efforts have been made to keep things simple and manageable. For example, there is a strict requirement that the package be kept to a small flat rate box size. This is important in that our member's generosity and willingness to share large quantities of items is always highly appreciated - the fact is that a growing size of the box being shipped can become a burden on the next fellow. So, we are going to concentrate on quality versus quantity.
Finally, the trade will be open to our friends outside of the States and there will be a way to work through the shipping requirements and costs.
I hoping lots of folks are going to want to contribute and will sign up.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to post them here.
Take care and keep your eyes open for the sign up and instructions!