What else I do for work and why you have not heard from me. Large photos warning!!!

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Feb 18, 2010
I sell figured lumber, pen blanks, guitar billets and bowl blanks but this is my "real job. I've been out of the state at a veneer mill producing the world's finest Claro/Black Walnut burl veneer. For those of you that have tried to contact me or place orders, I'm now back home and will respond as soon as I can.

I'm skipping several steps but it starts with a burl like this.


Skipping a few more steps in the process but after some time on the lathe it looks like this.


And with more time on the lathe, it looks like this.


While on the lathe, your goal is to produce veneer of like this. A few veneer samples directly from the lathe before drying.



After being dried and clipped.



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So out of curiosity, and feel free to say "not at liberty to discuss" What's the target market for that kind of veneer. Other than the dashboards of Bentleys and the interior of Learjets and Gulfstreams. Does it go into the furniture industry? Domestic, Middle or Far Eastern?

and I assume the bits and pieces that come off between picture 1 and 2 might make their way into the pen blank market?

Yes. Luxury cars, private jets and giant yachts. Some of the lower grades or smaller pieces may be used for furniture. It's amazing what you can do with a single or 4 way bookmatch. For table tops, an 8 or more diagonal bookmatch can be stunning. The veneer is sold pretty much worldwide.

And yes, I have pen blanks from burl like this.
Eric, out of curiosity, where does that big chunk of burl come from and who spots these kind of things? they must have good eyes to know what comes off of that chunk? You know that looks like a 1 ton of big wood then not knowing what comes off it, then throwing it on the lathe and after hours of turning, I am sure that you guys don't want to waist man power and machine hours for nothing.
That looks fun and I thought firing up the sawmill and slicing up a log was fun.I have only had one large burl(not close to the one you show)a Russian Olive burl that was real nice,it was a stress to mill it.I didn't want to make a mistake it would have been costly.Wow is all i can say on the figure in the walnut,its amazing stuff.Thanks for sharing the wood porn,Victor
Well, That is the biggest burls I've ever seen. I'd love to know where you come across something of that size. I can't imagine walking through the woods and seeing that hanging off the side of a tree... Thanks for sharing the pix.
I just want to see pictures of you holding the skew!

That is definitely a very nice burl ... what is it's species and from where did it come? Dimensions, and weight if you know. Just curious ya know!

Actually, directions to your place would be useful to those of us that know how to be really 'stealthly!" Be sure to let us know your vacation plans, pet's name, work hours and other things like that! :rolleyes:
What I want to know is what happens to the mill ends after all the veneer has been taken. For sale anywhere?
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