What do you guys think about this?

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Jul 10, 2007
Kurtistown, Big Island of Hawaii, USA.
I know some of you know of Joel (eganlaw on ebay), well we both sell on ebay and ever since he started selling he would cause trouble to me in one way or another via remarks in his description, I did not mind to much because I know he does not know what he is talking about, he does not even use the right Hawaiian names of wood like Monkey Pod he calls Ohi when it is Ohai and that is not all but that is not what I want to say here, now he has been saying this-

"Aloha, here is another chance to score on some nice Koa Pen Blanks! These don't reek of curl but anything you buy on-line (international Pen Blank House spectacle)?? these will beat the pants off of."

He started a few months ago with just pen blanks house spectacle but a few weeks ago he added international.
Do you think he is poking fun at me and or IAP because I sell on IAP now ?
I dont mind him talking about me but I really like IAP and the people here are second to none and it makes me a bit upset[}:)] that he would single out IAP, if that is what he is doing, what do you folks think?[?] This is a link to his auction, check it out- W0QQitemZ140202801170QQihZ004QQcategoryZ71234QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem-- Sory this link does not work but Andrew posted a ling below that will take you to the auction, check it out.


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I don't see a link, but I have seen his auctions, and your stuff looks much better from what I can tell.

I haven't seen him offer any Rambuten either[:p].

I wouldn't worry myself about it if I was you. We at IAP know you and buy your obviously better stuff. You help support this site, and I don't know that he does. As for mu 2 cents worth, you will still get my money. I haven't bought from him and I really do try to confine my purchase's to our people on this forum, and a few local saw mills.
IF he is saying what you think he is, don't worry about it, life's too short.Instead, direct all of your energies into finding the BEST wood possible so WE can buy it! Let the WOOD do the talking for you.[8D]
Kalai I have not bought any wood from you yet,but have from Joel showed one thing and skiped another. From what i have seen of your wood here on IAP you are selling a better product.
Originally posted by rherrell

IF he is saying what you think he is, don't worry about it, life's too short.Instead, direct all of your energies into finding the BEST wood possible so WE can buy it! Let the WOOD do the talking for you.[8D]

I agree ;)
An "attack" on another member (Joel) should NOT be posted nor discussed as casual conversation here at IAP. It does not seem right to solicit support without Joel being given an equal opportunity to state his position. I see no "positive" coming out of this non-stimulating conversation. JMO

Originally posted by wood-of-1kind

An "attack" on another member (Joel) should NOT be posted nor discussed as casual conversation here at IAP. It does not seem right to solicit support without Joel being given an equal opportunity to state his position. I see no "positive" coming out of this non-stimulating conversation. JMO

Who is the other member? We have several "Joel's"

Nevertheless, I'm not sure that we need to beat this guy up.

Chris's wood is outstanding and that speaks for itself.
Hi everyone, I do not want to cause problems at all I was just wondering what other people thought, Joel eganlaw is NOT a IAP member and only sells on ebay, I never met Joel nor have I ever said anything bad about him, I am not attacking Joel and I do not want to break any rules here so I will withdraw the question on what people thought of Joels weird words in his ebay description seemingly directed to IAP or me on IAP.
If the Moderators need to remove this that is fine.
Aloha to all:)

I believe this is against the ebay rules of listing so I would send them and e-mail with the auction number every time it happens.
I agree, when you post something on Ebay that even remotely mentions another seller, I think they should be trounced.

Chris, your stuff looks great, keep the faith and don't sweat the aggressive marketers. Some people will stoop to bashing to make a few pennies, but burn bridges in the meantime. :)

Many people buy not only for the quality product, but for the quality person behind it. That's how I shop for stuff at least. :)
I think he is just messing up another name. He is probably meaning to say "International House of Penblanks" making fun of IHoP.

Chris, your wood and service is excellant! I would not worry about what other sellers say. Don't tatke it personally, this fella Joel is just trying to sell his wood. Personally I don't read anything in his ad that I would consider objectionable. When it's all said and done, the buyers will make him sink or swim. He must be doing something right, he has a 100% feedback rating. I think there are enough people like us who are addicted to nice wood to keep you both in business. I also think that if you believe your wood is the best, you should advertise it that way. By the way, you sold me a curly Koa blank that was outstanding, one could hardly ask for better. I know the picture is not good, curl, WOW

Originally posted by Ron Mc

I believe this is against the ebay rules of listing so I would send them and e-mail with the auction number every time it happens.
This is an excellent point. eBay is the place to handle this, not here.

Case closed, I think! :)
Thanks all for your input, I think Jeff is right, Case Closed, I will not let it bother me as you all suggest, I will just continue selling top quality wood.

Jeff can you close this for me, aloha to all, even Joel:D.

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