What did you get for Christmas

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Sep 14, 2007
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA.
Well first and most important. I got to spend some wonderful time with my family and to see their faces when they opened their gifts.

I received some money to buy myself a chuck. Just can't figure out if I should buy a barracuda or a supernova 2 while it is on sale at Woodcraft. If you have an opinion just let me know PLEASE. If I get the barracuda which model should I get.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.
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Well first and most important. I got to spend some wonderful time with my family and to see their faces when they opened their gifts.

I received some money to buy myself a chuck. Just can't figure out if I should buy a barracuda or a supernova 2 while it is on sale at Woodcraft. If you have an opinion just let me know PLEASE. If I get the barracuda which model should I get.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.
Barracuda 2, The only way to go for the money, I dont think I'd even trade it for a more expensive one if I had the money to do so. IMHO!!! http://www.pennstateind.com/store/CSC3000C.html
I got a phone call this morning that my BIL crashed his truck last night with his girlfriend and buddy in it. Hit a dead end in the desert and plowed into an embankment. Such an idiot. Their all OK. bumps and bruises and sore ribs. Probably drinking, he didn't say. Not the first time either.

Anyway,,,,,,,,,my wife got her G5 George Foreman grill. With 5 interchangeable grills. She has wanted it ever since she threw away the first one. The grills didn't come out and it was a nightmare to clean.

Now on to me,,,,,,,,,I made a couple of great sales in the last couple of weeks. This allowed me to order the jigs for my Tiger 2000. I ordered the Long Knife jig, the Pivoting Tool Rest and the oh so necessary Gouge jig. Merry Christmas to me. Oh and her of course.

And "Merry Christmas" to all of you too.
Have no clue as we haven't opened any yet. Wife is on Alter Guild a we have to be at church at 9:30 will open them when we get back and at Brother in Law's later this afternoon. We have two Christmas Eve birthdays in our family so Christmas Eve is a Big birthday party. We went over the BIL's last night for his birthday dinner. Bologna and Cheese sandwiches and Pecan pie. Over the years this has become a holiday tradition and has grown to about 25 friends and relatives this year my neice and her family, who's birthday is also on the 24th joined us. After the celebration of these birthdays we all go to church and start the real celebration of Christmas. Merry Christmas to all.
What I got for Christmas.

We have a new minister in our church. She wanted to cancel the midnight service. And it was announced that the service was canceled. This service has been a tradition in the church starting in 1950. I raised enough cane within the congregation what the minister had to place the service back into the Christmas services . [ I'm not soft spoken type ]

The mid night service was well attended with over 225 people braving a Pacific Coast storm. Several of the members of the church said thank you. Yet the biggest thank you came from a non-church goer. She thanked the ushers as the church was the only mid-night service in the city. of 400,000. When the usher told me this story my face light up knowing that the church service helped someone within the community to share Christ's birthday.

The ministers reason for canceling the service was that there was only 95 people the year before. Three college men, one being my son opened the mid night service with a Gregorian chant This set the mood for a wonderful service.

My gift was seeing the faces of so many people light up with joy and love from the evening service.
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Yepper, The Pen Wizard arrived from Santa and a new Dremel from my son and DIL. New bench grinder from my daughter and SIL. Best gift though was my hand painted Christmas Tree ornament from my Granddaughter.
MY wife said she gave me $100! Than she said I spent it to buy her a necklace she has been wanting. Must be true, she has a new necklace, I don not have the $100. Darn I'm a nice husband!
I must have been very good this year. LOML got me a Baraccuda 2 and the large flat jaws to go with it. She also got me a new cordless drill as my 17 year old cordless Makita has died and my HF one is having its problems.

We had Christmas dinner last night with friends at our house. They have 2 kids who opened some gifts at our house. It was a great evening.

Merry Christmas everyone!
We're having a tight christmas like many others, but I am very happy to have recieved from my wife a box of Alice's corian, and a piece of Taz myrle burl...got lucky last night too, which was good enough anyhow! ;)
I got money from my parents which is what they do every year. Not sure just yet what I will do with that. My wife and kids got me a new pair of pajama pants which is what I wear when I am on the computer at home. very comfortable and always needed item. they also have a new laser guide for my drill press on order but it did not make it here on time. probably a good thing since I have so much more to be doing in my shop than playing with my drill press. The best gift of all is having all my children here and spending last night with my nephew and his family. He is being deployed to Iraq next month so we may not have him home next year for Christmas. We played Call of Duty on his 360 all evening. That is one hard game to play with someone that actually has training in tactics.
Got my paint pot! Also got a gift card to Home Depot, so I'll go tomorrow for the hardware to hook it up.

Now, I want a correspondence course through Eugene on what to do with my new toy!

Went to church last night with my sweetheart and my babies (9 and 11) and about fell apart. It was easily the most moving service I've ever been to in my life, and I WILL carry some of it into the whole New Year.

Have a woderful Holiday all!

Good gor you Bill.
Merry Christmas

We have a new minister in our church. She wanted to cancel the midnight service. And it was announced that the service was canceled. This service has been a tradition in the church starting in 1950. I raised enough cane within the congregation what the minister had to place the service back into the Christmas services . [ I'm not soft spoken type ]

The mid night service was well attended with over 225 people braving a Pacific Coast storm. Several of the members of the church said thank you. Yet the biggest thank you came from a non-church goer. She thanked the ushers as the church was the only mid-night service in the city. of 400,000. When the usher told me this story my face light up knowing that the church service helped someone within the community to share Christ's birthday.

The ministers reason for canceling the service was that there was only 95 people the year before. Three college men, one being my son opened the mid night service with a Gregorian chant This set the mood for a wonderful service.

My gift was seeing the faces of so many people light up with joy and love from the evening service.
I received some money to buy myself a chuck. Just can't figure out if I should buy a barracuda or a supernova 2 while it is on sale at Woodcraft. If you have an opinion just let me know PLEASE. If I get the barracuda which model should I get.

Hope everyone enjoys their day.

I have a Barracuda 2 and just love it. I have both the flat jaws to add to it. I have used the heck out of it.
I got a great gift.... another Christmas with the LOML. This will most likely be his last (not looking for pity or sympathy) so enjoying the time we've got.
I got a great gift.... another Christmas with the LOML. This will most likely be his last (not looking for pity or sympathy) so enjoying the time we've got.

You have a great attitude. I admire that. Hope I can be so strong if the situation arises. Good for you.
I got a great gift.... another Christmas with the LOML. This will most likely be his last (not looking for pity or sympathy) so enjoying the time we've got.

Thank you. That makes my Christmas, true spirit. Treasure and cherish every day and you will have no regrets when there are no more.
Our church is involved in a mission that helps kids on the street in Toronto. We put together packs with sleeping bags, mitts, toothbrushes etc. The majority of these kids are on the street because it's safer there than at home. We decided this year to put most of the money we would spend on ourselves towards that. I still got a dozen pen kits 7mm Euros and a couple sierras. Gave her some inexpensive jewelry (you know the type shiny and of absolutely no practical use)
Got to see our son on the weekend. He managed to get back from Mexico where he was programming robots for one of the auto companies. He absolutely hated it there and told his boss he would quit before going back. The have sent him to another place in Kentucky where he starts Saturday, night shift of course.

Hope everyone has or had a good Christmas and a prosperous new year.
One of the really cool, most excellent, totally appreciated gifts I received was a slab of Amboyna Burl that has to be at least 1.5 bf.... I sense some amazing pens in my future :)

Merry Christmas, everyone

Got to spend time with my partner and our two daughters. They youngest(14) made breakfast for all of us. Now is it almost dinner and there is a fire in the fireplace, Grandma(91) is dozing in the chair and we're waiting for the brisket to finish and we'll have dinner. So nice to spend time together. That's the best gift of all.
I was very lucky to receive a Beal Pen wizard and a 400XPR Dremel.
I am very thankfull to have my wife of 44 years that is very understanding and supportive of my "habit"
Nothing to do with woodworking this year. My son's got me a Golfer's Putter Pool game. Which I think is going to be a lot of fun with them. We all went to our traditional movie on Christmas. This year was Marley & Me. Really funny... and we don't even have a dog to compare it to.

Family Time is/was the best of all things for Christmas.
Got a Worksharp 2000. Wanted the 3000 but the cost difference and weight via several methods was going to add $200. So, I told LOML it wasn't worth the extra.

I sure do like it and it does in 2 to 3 minutes that which normally takes me 20 minutes. After getting my favorite chisel sharp, I honed it with the MM pad. I am setting it up next to the lathe with the 6000 MM sanding pad on it for quick touches when turning. I will experiment between the 3600 and 6000 which does best for honing the chisels during the turning process.

In my "30 Pieces" pen, I had to turn it and apply finish without sanding, and that takes a SHARP edge.
Got a new laptop from LOML and spending Christmas with my kids and grandkids who came up from Texas is the best gift of all.
Bonnie your post tells it all about you, no pity from me just admiration!
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