What causes pomelle (aka quilted) figure?

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Jan 24, 2005
North Wales, PA
I've seen some Pomelle Bubinga and Pomelle Sapelle, and it's pretty cool! I was wondering what causes that figure; I've seen descriptions of the cause of curly figure, but this almost looks like 2 dimensional curl.

Any ideas?
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I think compressive stress. I've seen similar on mesquite and it is always located whre there is constant compression like outside the crotch (I call it armpit are lol) or sometimes the inner part of a curved branch due to weight.

Of course I am just guessing [:)].
Pah...what would YOU know about wood?

(he says VERY sarcastically!)

I thought it might be something like that, but wasn't sure. Thanks for the quick reply!
Huh! I wonder what it could be that creates the appearance, then. I'm sure stress, such as that described by Dario, could create the appearance, but apparently something else contributes too.
From what I've read, pomelle is thought to be genetic. They are experimenting with the genetics of burls and figured woods on numerous farms in Central America.
I won't discount the genes but I am almost sure about the stress too because it is very consistent.

Note that stress can be caused by wind too, not just weight.

All it takes is one event (a hurricane, typhoon, etc.) to start it off...since wood grow over the older part...a "damage" (in this case ripple, quilt, etc.) can be erased, replicated, OR magnified over time.

Again, this is just my theory and observation.
Originally posted by DCBluesman
<br />From what I've read, pomelle is thought to be genetic. They are experimenting with the genetics of burls and figured woods on numerous farms in Central America.

This country has tried those experiments for decades. So far no luck.
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