What are you bringing to MAPG 2014?

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Jan 4, 2013
Chesapeake, VA
Friday, May 2, we will start to build our instant gallery with the gathering's first SHOW and TELL. This is your chance to take a few minutes to tell us about your pens and pen products. Amaze us all with your various talents!!

Saturday, May 3, we are working on two penturner contests (modified-custom and unmodified pen kits). Rules and more details to follow...contests will be moderated by Brett Ransom (hard hat) who will also be demonstrating anodizing with Bruce Robbins.
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Myself, cause thats cheap and all i can afford :cool:



I'm sure you have a latest project to show us? Even if you don't enter the contests, all levels of pen making experience can be displayed in our instant gallery, so we encourage everyone to bring at least one pen with them...
I'll be bring a few pens and as many as I was thinking I would bring as I have given away 4 in the last 2 days. I am bring something beautiful and stunning, the love of my life Evelyn who is by the way is a great pairing with me.
I hope I can come up with a pen for the contest once we know the rules.
Myself, cause thats cheap and all i can afford :cool:



I'm sure you have a latest project to show us? Even if you don't enter the contests, all levels of pen making experience can be displayed in our instant gallery, so we encourage everyone to bring at least one pen with them...

I've been working on some color cast blanks. If i can get them to turn out i'll bring a few of those and a pen from the cast.

i"m bringing a celtic knot cutting jig. It makes it some much easier to cut celtic knot inlays and blanks.

You will love our celtic knot demonstrator then. Richard Crook showed us many different jigs he uses to make his celtic knot pens. It's going to be very, very interesting!!
Betsy, and a lot of pen stuff too...will fill a couple of tables. I also found a couple of bags of experimental blanks that I made, these are the same bags of blanks that Bexley Pens rummaged and pilfered through when they stayed at my house a couple of years ago, some are FLEXIGRAN, some are not, it's POT LUCK, but they are going to be there for sale too.
I am hopping to bring my mind. I am looking forward to the break. I am up to two hundred and 260 blanks turned and ca'd. I have 150 barrels back from my engraver to finish with the last 4 coats of ca. I have another huge job right behind this one. I am hoping to expand later this year with three lathes for turning and two lathes for finishing.
BURL! But I still need help convincing Mrs. NittanyLion to go.....otherwise, no Burl!

She won't be alone if that helps. There are at least 4 vendor wives attending, as well as have at least a dozen or more from the attendees. Some are into penturning, others just come to socialize. Introduce her to a few people and she will enjoy herself as much as you do.
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