Well was a good year...

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Apr 30, 2009
Northern Illinois
Well had a decent new year, but then this happend..

went to move something off a table and slipped, twisted back bad and went down for the count. Couldnt get up off the floor and barly made it to my knees. and hour later and a call to 911 was inorder, dont know exactly what happened yet, but have me on pain killers, muscle relaxers and anti inflamtory drugs untill i get a mri and scan on monday..

Will be around to post soon..

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I hope all works out OK for you, I broke my neck in 2003 and have had nothing but problems ever since so take it from a lot of pain experience do what the Dr.'s tell you. I didnt rushed it went back to work and now at 38 am totaly disabled. I will keep you in my prayers. Please keep us updated.
The same thing happened to me about six months ago except all I did was reach out to put the keys in the car door. Just tweaked my back a certain way and went down hard. My dad had to come help my wife get me in the car for the ride to the hospital. A couple of days of meds and bed rest and I was all better. Praying that your recovery was as speedy as mine.

Good Luck!

I'm very sorry to hear of your accident. You will be in my prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.

Take care and please take it easy.

Jim Smith

I am sorry to hear about your misfortune and hope things get better for you very soon. Definitely do what the doctors tell you

BTW, this is carrying the idea of "without pictures it never happened" to the extreme!! :wink:

Get well soon,
Bummer to the extreme. I messed mine up at 25 helping a friend lay cement blocks for a basement. Now at 63 it's a minimum of 3 percocet a day. They don't kill the pain but make it so you don't care that much.

Take care of it, do as you are told and get the gut muscles strengthened. That's about the only thing I found that helped. Takes some of the stress off the back muscles.
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Thats how I spent the new years day two years ago, but not in the hospital. Recovered at home with muscle relaxers and anti inflamatories. Havent had a bout with the bulging disc since. I got in shape, exercised the stomache muscles, if those are good, so's my back. Take care and hope for the best for you.
I would have made my wife call my chiropractor. I don't like to do meds., but have my bones cracked instead. I used WD 40 on my joints when they get to bad. It works I have had artherides for about 20 years. Each year it gets a little worse. Tried meds over the years, but found it didn't realy help. I can't touch my toes. Can barely touch my knees, because my back is so tight. I''m told that the three lower virbs. are fused together. But I get by
Certainly hope it isn't serious. I "feel" your pain. Bent over 1.5 yrs ago and blew out 3 discs. Prayers for you and yours.

How that pic of your seems too familiar to me, I was put on a stretcher like that for 6 months, one lot of straps pushing my had the one way and straps on my legs pushing the other way, the bed was a solid board (like a solid door) with a sheet in between...!:eek:

Our bodies are phenomenal machines, when one part of the spine gets any sort of damage, the nerves attached to the vertebra's sent this signal to the brain to "shut down" the damaged area, resulting in the pain levels increase and inability to control movements from the spine. This is like a power line tower collapsing or just have a fault of any king and the Central Power Control Center, shut down the "grid" until the problem is resolved.

You will find (and I hope) that the back twist was enough for the shutting down of the grid, as soon as the problem is resolved, there is, you give it a little time to recover with the assistance of the meds and the doctors advice and the "power grid" will be turned on again in no time, you will see...!:biggrin:

Just recover "well" as quick as possible!:wink:

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Well I am able to move around again, still really tight, but no major issues, no blown discs, thats good!

Doc figures it is a major muscle sprain. So happy abotu that, not happy about the meds, er, and doc co-pays! There went this months spare cash for kits!

Luckly nothing is serious with the back but now really bored!

Anyway, thanks for all the kind wishes and support!
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