After much debate with myself and reading the polarized reviews of Grizzly lathes, I bought one...a day that will live in infamy. Grizzly model G0626 10". It was doomed from the start. I plugged it in and threw the switch and it slung the belt. I inspected the unit and discovered the motor pulley was diagonal in comparison to the top. It turned out to be a casting flaw that wouldn't allow the motor to sit flat. Also the tailstock had soooo much play in it that the points on the centers could deviate to either side by 1/8". The head stock pulley was poorly machined and was also porous. The lock knob for the motor adjuster was stripped and the opening on the bottom to adjust the belt at the motor pulley wouldn't allow you to get your hand in it to move the belt . Needless to say I sent it back. To their credit they were prompt in issuing me a refund. I bought a Delta 46-455 MIDI instead.