Being I was the one who initiated this I want to thank Jeff once again for getting it done. I envision a whole new wave of cool looking pen projects and hopefully innovations. I know we are not trying to reinvent the wheel but at least we can try to make some different wheels.
I would also like to mention one thing as we progress and this goes for any project we do. Please observe safety at all times. When doing segmentation we are using tools and machinery that is above and beyond just a lathe. We are working with small parts. We are working with various materials.When someone explains a project or shows how something is done and myself included, nine out of ten times steps are left out or small tidbits are left out, sometimes on purpose and sometimes inadvertently. So please take the time and make sure you understand how to use the equipment you have your hands on. Be safe and lets see what you all got. Hopefully we can make this forum one of the most active with some great ideas. Remember too that there are many ways to do something no one way is the exact way you have to do it. If you find a better way for yourself I am sure hopefull that you share with us so we too can expand our knowledge and abilities.
Now lets have some fun.:bananen_smilies051: