Wedding Invitations

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Aug 4, 2007
middle of nowhere in the great, white North
I had NO idea they would be this involved...three days of stuffing envelopes, printing cards, calling for addresses, debating over who has to come and who we want to come...

And then I realized that nintey percent of the people we're inviting are family, because we can't afford to invite friends...

Weddings are certainly interesting (and stressful) things to plan, eh?

So I'm going to cancel the invites to my family and invite you all instead! :) I'll set up a lathe in the corner - sounds fun, eh? :)

Ah well...back to the invites!
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That is exactly why I got married in very small circle (only the closest family). I admire all those that goes threw all the work.

Keep up with good work !
Yeah..we thought it would be cheaper to do our own invitations too. A new printer and 4 ink cartridges later we only ended up spending $50 more than what it would have cost to have them printed for us.

I guess that's what you get when you invite 300 people you don't know all that well to drink your booze and eat your food.
We invited 450 people to our wedding and 300 showed up! Fortunately, only 200 or so showed up for the recpetion and dance and we did not do alcohol. All in all, it was a big wedding but without the alcohol, was not that expensive...for her dad!
We've been debating paying for the alcohol or not...but being a big, Swedish family, we tend to overindulge at weddings...

Since Court and I are paying for this ourselves, and we have very little cash (it'll all be going on the credit cards), we're trying to keep it as small as possible...

200 people invited thus far, though! I HOPE only 150 show up; less would be better! :)

We were lucky, we eloped, had a mayor do the wedding and no reception. We always thought we would have a real wedding but here we are 7 years later lol.
The good thing about not providing alcohol is that folks will not stay as long!

We did not do alcohol out of respect for my parents. They do not belive in drinking. We had some folks b!tch and moan at first but in the end it was better because we did not have all the drunks. My wife's family is 100% German so you know how they are with drinking!
Our bar was only open during dinner and then only after we had done all the other stuff (ie..first dance, garter, bouquet..etc) This way we did not have a bunch of people making fools of themselves during our special moments. Once those were out of the way a lot of people got rip roaring drunk and ended up getting hotel rooms at the hotel we were at for the night. Nice bonus for the hotel .
Hey Andrew,

First, Congratulations! Next, remember you only do this once (in theory) and most importantly, make sure YOU are on HER page. In other words, do whatever she wants to do. This may sound sexist, but it's true-it's more her day than yours. I absolutely loved our wedding, but when my wife talks about it she goes to another place...

We both wanted comfy and low-key, so we had a Luau, complete with PuPu's, MaiTai's, Kalua Pig, Hawaiian dancers (including fire dancers), full Hawaiian band, and I got to wear a Hawaiian shirt, Dockers, and no shoes! My bride was in a simple white dress with orchids in her hair, and no shoes on. I almost passed out when I saw her, she was so gorgeous. We both wore Leis, and had a Hawaiian Ti Leaf ceremony performed by a Hawaiian Holy man. All guests wore tropical, comfy clothes.

Why did I share that with you? Because, her parents wanted something entirely different. In a hot church. With us trussed up like the Kalua pig. It's fine to give respect to your family, just not complete control. Have the wedding you 2 want. Invite who you want. Dance a lot. Laugh a lot. And love each other more than you think is possible.

Have a great life, Andrew. And lots of kiddos! You will be paid back millions of times over. Best Wishes!

That was very nice, Dale, thanks for sharing! :)

The advise about making it our own is well taken; seems everyone and their dog has an input into it thus far...I don't want to start out our life together with a massive debt to pay off, so we're going to be a bit more decisive! :)

And whatever she wants, goes! That's why we have a pale blue theme!
No, she vetoed that already! (seriously) :biggrin:

My idea for our first dance to be to AC/DC didn't go over well either! :wink:

Yeah...I lost out on the tophat and tails, along with any choice of song, other than having sinatra playing during dinner.

Just remember to have fun, and ask yourself is it more important for your guests to be happy or you to be less in debt. Starting a marriage off in a financial hole can make for marital stress. DAMHIKT! Possibly think about getting married by the judge and then at a later date have a cerimony for friends and family.
My wife and I were married in the Santa Ana courthouse by a justice of the peace. We really tried to have a wedding, but her parents refused to help opr even let us have the reception at their house. We finally gave up and just did it.

19 years now!
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