Web site for church

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Sep 3, 2007
Sacramento, CA, USA.
I am the Vice President of our Church Council and have taken on the task of seting up a web site for our church. It will be something simple as I will be paying for it for while. We are a small congregation who is trying to survive. The church is an inner city church established in 1918 and I have been a member of all my life (67yrs) all the old member are dieing off and we need to attract some new members. I know there a couple of members here who do that sort thing and I would appriciate any help I can get. The yellow pages are exensive and are not working in the modern era.
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A lot of people use SiteKreator, it's free.


If you want a .com or .org you'll have to purchase your domain. I used godaddy.com to get my domain name. No complaints, but they aren't church friendly when it comes to their advertisements, very risqué
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For our church I used Homestead.com Around $20 a month and can be quite easy to use and adaptive.

Since I'm no longer with that church the site does not exist or I'd give the URL to you.
Thanks for the replies, I will be contacting you after the Pastor and the president of the council get back from Yosemite, the daughter of the Pres in getting married this weekend and they left me in charge. I get to do something I have never done, give the sermon and this is from the black sheep of the congregation ( I have mellowed over the years) I have plenty of with it so I will be something new.

We will discuss what we want and then plan accordingly. We have just finished our missison statement which again is somthing I have never done.

Thanks again for you help
I would highly recomend setting up a blog instead of a traditional website. You can get get hosting for as little as $10/month. The blog software can be installed on the site, I use Wordpress, it's free. Different designs are available for free. The front page can be set up so that it is "static" (similar to a regular website). Then you could have one of the other pages as the blog which could be updated regularly with news, daily inspirational etc from the church.
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