My property has a creek across it, the back is a wetland and the neighbor has a big pond. Now..I'm in the shop, step outside and what meets me but a big ole 2 footer water snake. Instict takes over and I do the opposite of what most do..I jump on it, grab it by the neck and take it in the house. I skinned it, prepped the solution and tossed it in. Never skinned a fresh snake before, but sure is way faster and easier than a thawed one from the freezer! I notice the skin is very nice and thin too, so it'll obviously make good pens. This is how we think as turners I suppose. So I take it out to the shop, set it on the table, leave the shop and there's a water snake on the porch in front of the door. It's not as big, but I grab it and toss it in a bucket, because I didn't want to deal with it right now since I just cleaned up. Now I go eat dinner, go back to the shop and don't make it in the door as there's another 2 footer sitting on the porch in front of the door. So now there's two snakes in a bucket waiting to meet there demise. Apparently my shop is in the middle of a snake highway. These snakes are a neusanse, especially to my kids swimming in the pond. Skins don't look to bad though.