Watch parts and faces

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Sep 29, 2010
I'am looking for a good source for buying watch parts and faces. I did multiple try and error on my stock of parts but now I'm over. Actually, the watch I got are from friend, but it seem I need more friends or a good source.
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ebay is the source. Get real or fakes or lots or whole watches. You could spend some time looking through all the auctions though.
I bought a lot of watches from Ebay. I think I got 25 watches for $20, only a couple work, but i'm gonna take them all apart anyway. It did come with a Mickey Mouse watch and a Toucan Sam watch. Just have to keep an eye out.
If you have complete watches, is there an easy way to disassemble them? I thought of a 5 lb sledge but that is just brute force.

This method works the best. Then it is so much fun chasing around the shop to find those tiny tiny pieces. It does take watch maker tools to disassemble a watch. There is no easy way. just remember when buying watches on ebay or anywhere else that you buy the mechanical watches. Most watches today are electronic and have very few moving parts and are battery operated.
If you have complete watches, is there an easy way to disassemble them? I thought of a 5 lb sledge but that is just brute force.

This method works the best. Then it is so much fun chasing around the shop to find those tiny tiny pieces. It does take watch maker tools to disassemble a watch. There is no easy way. just remember when buying watches on ebay or anywhere else that you buy the mechanical watches. Most watches today are electronic and have very few moving parts and are battery operated.

It does take some watch makers tools but not too many. I have a magnifying loop, you may not need this but I am getting old. A set of very small screwdrivers and I bought a hands puller. The rest of the items is just a small punch and small wire cutters. You can get the screwdrivers and hands pullers off eBay for less than $20 for both.

As for just parts I use eBay, either entire watches or parts what ever I can find cheaper. But if you get watches plan on time to disassemble them. For parts look at these two sellers arrowsarah and showyourart. arrowsarah has nice packs of small parts, actually the same person as the Amazon link above. And showyourart has really nice packages of just small gears.
Actually I did not had any problem for disassemble them. I have a little set of watch maker screwdriver. I already disassembled 5 or 6.

I placed 3 bids for gear on Ebay, I'L see...
Have found all the watch parts I need at estate, garage sales, and friends. Of course you have to take the time to go.
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