Was Santa good to you?

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Jan 1, 2004
Reno, NV, USA.
I am not saying myself just yet. As it is only 5:30 a.m. I am up before my children are[:I] and killing time.
We spent the last week spilling our beans to Santa about wether we have been naughty or nice. now it is time to report on how he did this year.
I did exchange gifts with my parents last night. I gave everyone in my family a candle snuffer I made. My family is big into candles.
I got a great little blanket for when I am setting around the house in the mornings (which I do all the time) and to use for my afternoon naps (which I take for about 30 min when I get home from work). My traditional bag of goodies, like pistachio nuts and beef jerky. plus money from my parents to get something I want (they have a really hard time trying to find the stuff I want anymore as neither are woodturners). But best of all I had a great evening with my family. I am blessed with a family that really gets along well.
I will add more later and look forward to hearing about your day.
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I don't think he got the GPS I sent him. I cannot find a thing in the house that resembles a gift.

Ok we didnt get a tree to replace the one that broke last year. Funds were tight and we wanted to get Sean what we planned. Being 2 and in the Dennis the Menace mode its just safer. Also we are taking everything out to my parents house anyway to open.
I am Santa :D and I was very frugal this year, or as frugal as I can be. The only thing I added to my shop was.....I happened by a garage sale and picked up 13 nice Sorby chisels for a sweet song [:p]
Santa got me some good stuff. I ended up with a 3 wheel buffing system. A 8 gallon Kobalt air compressor, a heater for my garage (just a space heater) and few items of clothing. Now the kids made off like bandits. I know just from Santa the 16 yr. old got a blackjack cell phone, the 9 yr old got a digital camera and the 2 year old got a basketball goal set. The 2 yr. olds Santa gift was actually a power wheels nascar, but dad messed up and gave him that from us when I should have given him the goal set. I won't even get into all the other crap they got.
First of all blessed by being with my son, his fiance, and my bride. All able to sit up and take nourishment. That alone is a blessing.
And, I got 3, count them 1,2,3, Sorby tools. A skew, a parting tool, and a big ole fingernail bowl gouge. Don't know if I need a bowl gouge to turn a pen but there it is. Also a GPS with bluetooth. My bride is afraid I'll get lost and she can't find me. But, she will be able to call me. Go figure. Also, a Wallyworld lite tent. I've got a hint that a Jet VS is in the mail. Stay tuned. Rick Herrell sez I need to go buy myself a tormek, he's right, just need to know which jigs to go along with it. And in addition, new shirts, shoes, a bottle of Makers Mark, and jelly beans. Yes, I was a very, very, good boy. Tomorrow is my 67th celebration of life on this planet earth so stay tuned.
Hope all have a very Merry Christmas.
Santa's been good to us every year and this year was no exception, the LOML was again declared cancer free on her last check-up,all the kids,grandkids and yes even one great grandchild (Cav no comments about my age I just started very young:D) are doing great.But the new Penmobile (Motor Home) he promised for Christmas won't be deliverd until late January or Early Feburuary in time for the spring shows[:p].
Santa is always good! The best presents are the twinkle in the little ones eyes and the excitement they show! We even got some excitement out of the teenager (who never shows excitement!).
Santa was very good to me with a big surprise! He is usually very much a scrooge this time of year, but surprised me with a light tent set from Wally World! YEAH!!!!

Have a wonderful blessed day with your loved ones.
NO!!!!! I was shocked when I opened my garage, and NO Powermatic table saw,LOL. Santa has been great to me, my family are all haelthy and doing well. My nephews (3) are growing up faster then I can keep up with. I woke up to a new day and that is a gift in its self. Victor
This may sound really sappy but if you remember it was a year ago I dropped off the pages of IAP due to kidney failure. I recieved many wonderful greetings from members here, and two days ago I was informed that I made the transplant list. That was a real gift. My wife and I spent part of the evening reflecting on how thankful we were for getting another Christmas together. The other things are just iceing on the cake.
Santa was in a good mood this year, but I just realized the best gift of all was that I woke up and am able to get out of bed on my own power. Merry Christmas to all those who arent so lucky but still find things to be thankful for.
So far Roy and David are neck and neck for best gifts this year. Health, in the face of serious illness. Good luck David I will be praying for you.
Santa Ended up being very good to me. I got the final attachments for my Wolverine system, Three new turning tools, And several of the totally unexpected types of gifts from my children. as for my kids they all are teenagers and made out in the stereo video game departments.
But as Roy and David both remind me. My best gift this year as that we are all together, we are also all healthy.
Gotta go eat my french toast breakfast now. those cursed good smells are already starting.:)
My wife bought me a book on how to carve nude women...which was a book I've been wanting for a long time. I also recieved 3 burls weighing a total of I'm guessing 30lbs. I know they came from the burl guy and they are aussie burls, but he didn't right on them what they are. One says YG..I'm guessing yellow gum.

I bought my wife a new sewing machine using profits from making pens. This sewing machine hooks to the computer and can sew some things all by itself. It beeps at you to put in a new roll of thread and then you go back to doing something else. Wish I had some tools like that.
The first present was being with my family..now to the little gloats. Robert Sorby pen turning chisels, Sheppach Tiger 2000 to sharpen them on. Pen roll and case, multi space box for the pen kits and bushes. and too many gadgets that I didnt know existed.

Neither my wife nor my son did too shabily either this year.

I think it was part of the reaction to my Heart attack in August you will be pleased to know that I survived that one :D:D:D:D

But My BIGGEST gift was from seeing the looks on their faces when they recieved their gifts
I am with Roy and David in that Health is the best gift. Friday afternoon went for a checkup for breathing problems and was hospitalized overnight. Nothing serious THANK GOODNESS, it woke me up. Now I have to have some stress tests but that is ok, I am still breathing. I hope everyone got what they wanted for Christmas. Merry CHRISTmas all.

My first gloat was still having my father (he's 83)alive. My second gloat is having reasonably good health for me and LOML. My third gloat was receivnig a bunch of tools and such from Santa, ( Propane heater for my shop, Complete Eastway powder coating system with 12 colors, New palm router, New Skew chisel and bowl gouge, Sorby, New Foredom Pro power carving set with extra chisels and burrs, New lithium 19.0 volt drill/driver, and several other small tools and miscelaneous items). LOML got a new soild cherry wood dining table with six chairs, new coffee table and 2 end tables (made by yours truly) and a 12 setting new set of siverware.

Fantastic Christmas

Santa was great to me this year. I had 2 of the 4 boys home. Everyone is healthy. I got smiles on the pens and bowls and an "Oh my gosh!" from the pitcher I turned for my wife. What more do you need in life?
Santa's always good in the Thomas household. With four children under the age of four and a happy mom and dad, what more can you ask for!

Well... I did get a nice drill doctor, and simple, but a new chair pad for the floor in my office which was soooo needed it was not funny! :D
My best present was being able to spend Christmas at home with my wife and seven kids, instead of in Iraq (which is where I was scheduled to be). Ranking a close second is the new Jet 1642 EVS Pro my wife, sons, parents and inlaws went in together to get for me. It should be here in a couple weeks which will just give me time to get the shop rearranged to make space [8D].
This is the first year in along time that I did not get a tool, bungie cords or something Harley Davidson. But what I did get is something I have wanted most of my adult life. I have the best wife. I got a Rolex watch!
Went to my son's this year. Got everyone to agree to a $25 limit on gifts. They didn't know what to get me so I set up a wish list at Lee Valley. He and my daughter went together and got me 4 pen kits from the list and a couple brad point drill bits. Oh and I got to drink all his rum for a change. Wife got me a bottle of Chivas. A good year with the family although the grandkids ranging in age from 16 to 5 are a little noisy. Especially the 5 year old. :) Oh they all got pen and pencil sets since this is my first year making them. (the kits were less than $25 and I don't count time when it's family.)
Santa got me a nice belt/disc sander, mostly cause Mrs Clause wants a bandsaw box and that was my excuse as to why I had not gotten around to it yet. The Elves made out like bandits and making them happy is the greatest gift of all.
I thought I knew what my gift was for this year but reading that NavyDiver got to spend Christmas with his wife and kids is now my gift of the year.
Enjoy your time Eric!
Santa brought a Christmas with my wife, my son (who got a good grade report from UNCC :D), my sister, neice, her husband, nephew, 3 little great nephews and my mom who just turned 85. It's a great Christmas with family and watching kids get excited. Two of my great nephews went to sleep with fishing rods we brought them. :D Santa also brought a jointer and something I really needed....an Alan Lacer video...oh yeah and things like shirts, golf balls etc.

Eric, great Christmas.....home with the family AND a lathe.....Merry Christmas!!!!
Ron, Thanks very much. While in my 20 years of Navy service, I have missed countless anniversaries and birthdays, I have been very fortunate to only miss one Christmas. I thought I would be gone for sure this year, but the Lord works in mysterious ways and I was diagnosed with a heart problem, that, while not over debilitating on a daily basis, did disqualify me from service in Iraq because it takes to long to reach the type of medical care I might require.

Tommy, Thanks very much. Merry Christmas to you, also. The boys and I missed getting together with the East Coast gang this year for the Freedom Pens turnathon. Once the new lathe arrives, I'll post some pics - in a tool gloat, of course!
Santa brought me a new AO half-face respirator with a quick-release strap. Easy to get on and off, what a relief! I also scored a very lightly used Canon A630 Powershot digicam on Ebay, bid on the 21st and it arrived on Christmas Eve. Needed a backup to my beloved A610.
Christmas this year was very nice. Mom & Dad flew in and my Step-son was here too. That made it great!! The rest was gravy. Being it was also my B-day, my Wife and Daughter set me up with the necessary parts to begin connecting my DC to the rest of the <s>garage</s>shop(I only had 1 ten foot piece of 4" hose. what a pain that was....[B)] ).
Mom & Dad got me a TomTom so I don't get lost and Step-son got me an RC Helicoter. (another hobby in the future?)

Got my Dad pen kits, blanks and a mandril for his Shop-Smith. If he ever cleans up his garage, my Mom might let him take the SS out of the boxes......;);)

I got my Wife a new Food Processor (sold her original one a long time ago at a grage sale and she hasn't forgot about it. The new one is MUCH nicer than her old one.) Also got her specifically pointed out items from Bass Pro Shops (slippers, sweaters, and candy Peanuts;) )

Daugher (who's 15) got CLOTHES!!! And a CD radio for her room.

Christmas breakfast was Eggs Benedict (Family Tradition that Mom and I do the cooking for) And for my Christmas/B-Day dinner, PRIME RIB with all the fixin's!!!!! I didn't need ot eat for a few days afterwards.
All in all the best was just having Family here for Christmas. And reading the stories of those who have received the gifts of health, being home for the holidays, etc.l Plus knowing WHY we celebrate CHRIST</u>mas!!!

I wish everyone a WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
This has been a very special year...

As few members know I was in a cycle crash and broke everything from my neck down to my legs....I had a Vent, Halo and wheelchair for a long time. My Dr. calls me superman as I broke my neck the same as Christopher Reeves and we know what happened to him. Good doctors, a lot of hard work and pushing by my wife..Still have a long way to go but I can talk, walk and feeling has come back in most of my body.... ;)

I took up pen turning as a low impact, stress reducing hobby. Each is very special to me. ...

Happy New year and God bless (he has me) .....
Lathe, xbox 360 game and guide. Parts for RC truck. Two family members that had medical problems are improving. That is a stress that is reduced.
As a few of you know, I am about to begin my third year teaching mentally and physically disabled people to ski. Doing that requires that I spend nearly as much time skiing backwards as I spend skiing forwards. This year Santa(me) got me a new pair of ski boots, a pair of high performance race boots. I tried them out yesterday with our 17 year old son who also got a pair of the same boots for Christmas. The new boots provide a level of control that I've never experienced before and will make it much easier to ski backwards and a LOT more fun to ski when I'm "off duty."

We actually spent Christmas in the Chicago area with my wife's uncle and aunt, both of whom turned 90 in 2007. Her uncle stills runs his company and still drives, although I find it terrifying to ride with him in Chicago traffic. It was nice to see them and good to see they are still doing quite well.
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