Wanted Wanted: Veterenarian Inlay Pen Kit

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Dec 11, 2016
Yuba City, CA
Rough couple of days here, we had to have my 12 year old best friend Bella put down after a rapid heart failure issue. Our Vet went above and beyond in making sure she had all the best care she needed and the information we needed. I was hoping to buy and make a Veterarian Cadussius pen. It looks like they aren't made any longer. Anyone have a kit in their cabinet?
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Rough couple of days here, we had to have my 12 year old best friend Bella put down after a rapid heart failure issue. Our Vet went above and beyond in making sure she had all the best care she needed and the information we needed. I was hoping to buy and make a Veterarian Cadussius pen. It looks like they aren't made any longer. Anyone have a kit in their cabinet?
I'm so sorry for your loss. Dogs are family and it's never easy to lose them.
I'm so sorry you lost Bella.

We lost two within three weeks of each other right before Christmas.
I made these Dog Paw Inlay.
I haven't seen a veterinarian inlay.
Sorry for your loss. Been there many times.

Gave one to a dog-rescue supporter ; the other was for her husband:. IMG_0725.jpg
Thanks one and all for the kind words and great ideas and options.

I took a second look at Ken's pen kits and found what I need. Not sure how I missed it the first time. Kallenshaan Woods shipped out what I ordered yesterday.

Very sorry to hear about your loss. I haven't owned dogs, but I have owned plenty of cats. Every single time one of them dies, its like losing a family member. Pets are family. I hope you are doing well.
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