This has got to be the coolest web-enabled thing I've come across in a long time. There's a free software application called PicLens (http://www.piclens.com/site/ie/) that allows online photo galleries to be setup and viewed in 3D...like the Apple Touch iPod and iPhone menu system.
I've set up one of my photo galleries (pens, of course) with this capability. You'll have to follow these steps to get the full 3D effect:
1) Click on this link to access my 3D enabled pen gallery page: http://www.yoyospin.com/gallery/pens/.
2) Click on the "Start Slide Show" button in the upper left-hand corner.
3) Click on the "See This In 3D" button in the upper right-hand corner.
4) Follow the PicLens Download instructions...it's free.
5) Once the PicLens application is downloaded and installed on your computer, come back to my 3D enabled pen gallery page: http://www.yoyospin.com/gallery/pens/.
6) Do not click on the "Start Slide Show" button this time. Instead, pass your mouse curser over one of the photo thumbnails and note the arrow button in the lower left-hand corner of the photo, and click on it. This will then startup the 3D viewer application, where you can view all the photos in this gallery dynamically and in 3D...too cool!
I've set up one of my photo galleries (pens, of course) with this capability. You'll have to follow these steps to get the full 3D effect:
1) Click on this link to access my 3D enabled pen gallery page: http://www.yoyospin.com/gallery/pens/.
2) Click on the "Start Slide Show" button in the upper left-hand corner.
3) Click on the "See This In 3D" button in the upper right-hand corner.
4) Follow the PicLens Download instructions...it's free.
5) Once the PicLens application is downloaded and installed on your computer, come back to my 3D enabled pen gallery page: http://www.yoyospin.com/gallery/pens/.
6) Do not click on the "Start Slide Show" button this time. Instead, pass your mouse curser over one of the photo thumbnails and note the arrow button in the lower left-hand corner of the photo, and click on it. This will then startup the 3D viewer application, where you can view all the photos in this gallery dynamically and in 3D...too cool!