Wally word rant

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Gary Max

Oct 30, 2004
Southern Kentucky
Wally world is building store everywhere around here----two last year within 40 miles with one already sitting between them.
Now they are reducing they stores inventory?????
This makes no sense to me.
The item that set this rant off----No longer selling Devcon 2 part Epoxy.
I bought the last they had in the close out section.
I told the manager that his sales #'s will drop if there ain't nothing in the store.
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They build stores so it is more convenient to go to Wal-Mart than their competitors. They limit inventory to the things that sell best. These are two seperate business decisions that are both smart, in my opinion.
Smart for Wal-Mart - hell for competition. I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart. I wouldn't go there if they were the last place around. They're not getting any of my money.
Walmart is a business and each of us can choose to either patronize them or not.

I do, because I can get items there cheaper than most. The "saturated" locations makes it more convenient for me because of shorter commutes . This mattered to me a lot especially when gas prices were through the roof.

I also like buying my car batteries and tires from them...anywhere I go, I can have it serviced (warranty) if there is any problem.

They have their strong points and weak points and really depends on what is important to you.
Unfortunately, they ARE the last place around in many areas. They move in with a huge selection and low prices and all of the little guys close up shop. Then they cut back on their inventory.
If I were making decisions at WM, that's exactly what I would do. Move into any area, give the competition a beating, and then tweak inventory to maximize profits and minimize those goods that don't turn quickly. That's smart business.
My wife and I did a case study on Walmart in college (just a few years ago...I'm pretty fresh out) and it's actually amazing how they run their business. Despite the controversial labor and benefit aspects of the company, they've actually done some remarkable process improvement that has been a benchmark for almost every company in the world to model after in some fashion. If there's anything to be mad about, it's that we didn't buy their stock at the IPO!!!!
Gary - the single biggest expense any retailer has is the cost of their inventory. It's not payroll or rent. Therefore they do everything they can to keep inventory at the bare minimum and to eliminate items that do not sell well. It isn't anything different than what everyone does here. If a particular pen style does not sell then we don't continue to make it. I've seen many people on here talk about pens they have in their inventory for a long time. I'm sure when they finally do sell them they will not make another one like it.
Gary - the single biggest expense any retailer has is the cost of their inventory. It's not payroll or rent. Therefore they do everything they can to keep inventory at the bare minimum and to eliminate items that do not sell well. It isn't anything different than what everyone does here. If a particular pen style does not sell then we don't continue to make it. I've seen many people on here talk about pens they have in their inventory for a long time. I'm sure when they finally do sell them they will not make another one like it.
yeah, Circuit City decided to cut back their inventory and that worked out pretty well for them. I'm from Richmond, the CC headquarters and it's sad to see a 50-year icon spread to the wind....:frown:
It's not a matter of "things that don't sell"
From the looks of it they are cutting about a 1/3 of their inventory.
Sections of the store are so spread out now it almost empty
I told the manager that there was no advatage of shopping in a empty store.
The positive side-----the have several simi loads of Valentine candy ?????
I'd like to be able to shop elsewhere, but I just cannot afford to. for people with money, there are options, but if you're struggling to make ends meet, the 'buy-local' option just doesnt work...

Why would I pay three times as much for groceries when I can barely afford to shop at Wally's? I wish I had options, but the reality is that I don't...and many, many people are in the same boat, which is why Walmart does so well...
Wait a minute...
I'm from Richmond, the CC headquarters
Were'nt you from Ashland YESTERDAY in another thread? Did you move last nite? How you like it? What's the property tax like there? Pardon me, I just thought that was funny.
Wait a minute... Were'nt you from Ashland YESTERDAY in another thread? Did you move last nite? How you like it? What's the property tax like there? Pardon me, I just thought that was funny.
I grew up in Hanover county, which would be considered Metro Richmond. I've lived in the city of Richmond, Henrico county and Hanover county in 3 locations. I'm generalizing when I say 'from Richmond' b/c it's likely something people have heard of rather than Ashland. I'm technically about 15 minutes outside of the Richmond 'city limits' if you want to get technical.

For that matter, how about this.....my house is in Mechanicsville, but my mailbox is across the street in Ashland which makes that my mailing address (the road I'm on divides the two). Where the hell should I say I live?!?!?!:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Bull BullDurham I saw you in there last week loading up those little Jimmy Dean Sausage Biscuits so fast one would have thought a fire sale was going on due to a faulty Reefer. :eek:)
Where the hell should I say I live?!?!?!:confused::confused::confused::confused:

GOD'S COUNTRY works for me !!!!

P.S. Go see what I said about your tree, and don't let them tell you to JUST CUT IT. I been down that road, didn't like how it dead ended... DAMHIKT
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Mike probably knows what I'm talking about....if he's from Chesterfield he probably tells people from out of state he's in Richmond, even though he might technically not be.
I'd like to be able to shop elsewhere, but I just cannot afford to. for people with money, there are options, but if you're struggling to make ends meet, the 'buy-local' option just doesnt work...

Why would I pay three times as much for groceries when I can barely afford to shop at Wally's? I wish I had options, but the reality is that I don't...and many, many people are in the same boat, which is why Walmart does so well...


(Can you tell I am on the same boat?) :redface:
Not trying to defend Wallyworld here, but think practical for a second:

If I wanted to buy a TV, Computer, etc. that was made in America (All parts, etc.) where would I do that and how much would I expect to pay?

If jeans, shirts, coats, etc. were made in America, how much money would they cost? How many taxes, regulations (Minimum wage, Prevailing wage), fees, etc. are imposed on the factories that would make those products - and who ends up paying for those?

What about produce, say I wanted to buy some lettuce, tomatoes, or other vegetables grown in America, harvested by American workers, shipped using American shipping companies - where would I do that, how much would I pay, and how much money is the farm being subsidised by the taxpayers?

As sick as it is, there is a reason we import low dollar items from 3rd world countries and until America wakes up that isn't going to change. We could impose tarriffs on all imported goods to make them cost what it would cost to produce in America, but then all items that we export would be subjected to tarriffs in the countries that we export them to. It is a vicious cycle that I don't see ending anytime soon, nor do I know how to solve it. Further, government could pass laws that say people must buy American goods, but that takes away a huge personal liberty. The only way I can see for the cost of goods to go down and Mom & Pop outlets to begin to flourish again is to quit regulating the price to produce things (Minimum wage/Prevailing wage, fewer taxes), more personal responsibility and common sense, and less greed.
I don't shop there, either.

Some say their business model is great .. stop carrying the products that
don't sell and keep the inventory overhead low.
If that's the way they did it, I don't think anyone would have a problem with it.
But they DON'T just eliminate the items that don't sell fast enough, they get
rid of everything but the flagship products. And in the process, they eliminate
the competitors who DO carry the items we want.

And it's our fault. We let them do it.
We 'let' them by shopping there.

If enough people stopped shopping where they can't get what they need,
WM and other box stores would be forced to change some of their policies.

If I want to use a stain other than Minwax, I have to drive. If I want to
get a decent cut of meat, I have to drive. If I want clothes that last past
the second washing, I have to drive.

I'm not saying that there isn't a place for low end products. But in the rush
to save money, we have let them eliminate our choices and now in many
areas, low end products are all that is left.

I'll drive.
If enough people stopped shopping where they can't get what they need, WM and other box stores would be forced to change some of their policies.

But that's where the argument falls apart. People DO need what they sell and they do it better than anyone else. What's wrong with that? Just because they don't have EVERYTHING we could ever possibly want, doesn't mean they're the bad guy. I understand the reasons, but I don't understand why all the hate for "big box stores." If you haven't seen it, watch the episode of South Park about Wal-Mart. It's not companies, it's people.

On topic: Wal-Mart employs a "point of sale" type of inventory scheme. When an item is purchased, Wal-Mart buys it and sells it at the same instant. They don't "own" most of the inventory that sits on their shelves until a customer buys it. They still have cost of goods sold, but the supplier doesn't get paid until Wal-Mart sells it. They don't call it consignment, DAMHIKT, but it is.

I shop wherever I can find what I need. I don't have an affinity for or an aversion to Wal-Mart. If I can find something I need at Wal-Mart, I'll buy it there. If I can find it at the local hardware store or supermarket or department store, I'll buy it there. Simple as that.
But that's where the argument falls apart. People DO need what they sell and they do it better than anyone else.

I don't see it falling apart at all.. I didn't say nobody needs what they sell.
I said they take away the choices. People who shop there are likely to
compromise on what they want because they aren't given a choice. The
retailers who carried what they really wanted are soon out of business.

I won't even get into 'better than anyone else'. Let's just say you and I will
never see eye to eye on that one.
Wally world is building store everywhere around here----two last year within 40 miles with one already sitting between them.
Now they are reducing they stores inventory?????
This makes no sense to me.
The item that set this rant off----No longer selling Devcon 2 part Epoxy.
I bought the last they had in the close out section.
I told the manager that his sales #'s will drop if there ain't nothing in the store.

Remember, most retailers had a very bad Christmas and right now are having difficulty paying their bills. One way for them to raise the cash they need is to sell their inventory without buying new inventory right now. This will give them the cash they need to pay their bills. They may also be having credit problems and can't borrow the money.

They probably have the Valentine's candy for 2 reasons. They actually ordered it months ago and it sells very quickly in a short period of time so their cash investment in the merchandise comes back quickly. They will then be able to invest in other merchnadise (hopefully).

Edit: Forgot to mention... they probably signed the lease on the new store months ago before the economy went in the toilet so they are committed to building it.
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Pen Maker, Seeing me at wallyworld or Sam's would be hard on any day. I have never never been in either one in my life.
Brian, that is why i am from Chesterfield, Va. about 4 miles outside of and not from richmond, and yes my mailing address is richmond
Walmart also "squeezes" their suppliers. Say you became a supplier for Walmart and now 3/4 of your business is sold to Walmart, now Walmart grabs you by the kahonas and says to cut your prices to us by 8% .This is done time and time again. You now are forced to do what? Either you start making less of a profit or lay off some workers. Time to hand out some pink slips and next time its pay raise time for your people you give them less. On the note of Chinease products... I now work for a major home improvement company at one of their distrubution centers and it is seldom I see any products unloaded from the trailors that are made in the USA. I more than once have said to myself that no wonder so many of us Americans are unemployed or working for a wage that now allows us to just exsist from payday to payday. I once had a excellant job that payed very very well. I worked there for 27 years. Guess what? The Chinease now have my old job. Our country is now headed to be a third world country. I now shop at Walmart ( I worked at a Walmart for a short time where I was expected to do the work of two people and get paid minimum wage ) now that having a secure job is none exsistant,and have to work for less money than I have ever worked for in my lifetime I must stretch my penneys. I hate Walmart but I must shop there. Im mad as hell but what am I going to do about it? When the wife gets home from work I guess we will go to Walmart and buy grocerys
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I have only ever meet one person that likes buying junk from China.
The sad part is any store you shop at is full of items made in China.
The biggie
I need to find somewhere else to buy Epoxy.
On topic: Wal-Mart employs a "point of sale" type of inventory scheme. When an item is purchased, Wal-Mart buys it and sells it at the same instant. They don't "own" most of the inventory that sits on their shelves until a customer buys it. They still have cost of goods sold, but the supplier doesn't get paid until Wal-Mart sells it. They don't call it consignment, DAMHIKT, but it is.QUOTE]

Walmart also "squeezes" their suppliers. Say you became a supplier for Walmart and now 3/4 of your business is sold to Walmart. QUOTE]

Was not gonna chime in but....................Careful what you say unless you have ALL the facts. You are kinda right but yet REALLY wrong on the process. PM me if you want to discuss POS and how it really works. PM me also about your fractional concerns.
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I have only ever meet one person that likes buying junk from China.

While only a few might like buying stuff from China...most likely everyone is buying things from them...you and me included.

Where do you think most of our tools, equipment and kits are made? The TV, computer, phone, clothes, etc. we use? Some components (if not most) is likely from China.

They produce what we call "junk" but in not too long time now...they will surpass US quality wise. We hardly produce anything now that our capability is deteriorating while theirs is improving.

Japan products like cars and electronics was once considered inferior (not too long ago) look at them now. China can do the same and I am happy for them. What I am not happy for is what's happening to us. We need to start producing m ore stuff locally again if we want to keep our edge or whatever remained of it.
Japan products like cars and electronics was once considered inferior (not too long ago) look at them now. China can do the same and I am happy for them. What I am not happy for is what's happening to us. We need to start producing m ore stuff locally again if we want to keep our edge or whatever remained of it.

I totally agree. I remember when I was a kid in the 60's all the junk was made in Japan! Then Korea and Taiwan. Those countries have come pretty far.

Personally, i would love to be able to shop only at the mom and pop stores and yes, there are some small hardware and home goods stores still left here. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to shop at the Ace hardware or corner butcher all the time. When I can buy a box of Kelloggs or a bag of cat food for two dollars cheaper each, there is no choice in my world. There is one thing that Walmart does better than anyone else I can think of, they hire some people that will not be hired anywhere else. They should be applauded for at least that. You would have to believe that if Walmart goes too far and does not stock what people need or want, someone will fill the void.
They probably have the Valentine's candy for 2 reasons. They actually ordered it months ago and it sells very quickly in a short period of time so their cash investment in the merchandise comes back quickly. They will then be able to invest in other merchnadise (hopefully).

And because Valentine's Day is Saturday?:tongue:
I have only ever meet one person that likes buying junk from China. ...
When we were in Beijing last August, I bought an awesome jade horse that now sits here in my office. I liked that purchase.
Personally, i would love to be able to shop only at the mom and pop stores ...
Not me. I don't want to spend my life driving from store to store. I'd rather walk into one store, get everything that I need to buy, and be on my way.
I have only ever meet one person that likes buying junk from China.
The sad part is any store you shop at is full of items made in China.
The biggie
I need to find somewhere else to buy Epoxy.

Gary, I honestly do not see where you have a legitimate complaint about anything. It is your right to not like something, with or without a reason.
But, to bash a business because they don't carry your favorite product is silly.
You have a computer. You can use it to buy enough epoxy to fill your house if you wish.
I understand the arguments for/against Wal-Mart. Bottom line is they are the epitome of free enterprise. They do things right for the stock holder and that is what business is all about.
When Wal-Mart built their big new SuperCenter in our town many new businesses sprang up around it that we never had before. Business is booming and all because of Wal-Mart. Even it's competitors are doing better.
The stores that go out of business do so because they never had to compete previously and suddenly find that to survive they must but don't know how.
Wal-Mart employs many people who might not have jobs otherwise, locally and world wide.
Don't like Wally World? That is your right. Go shop elsewhere. But, I betcha you come back and shop there again but just won't admit it.
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Brian, try living in Nevada. the only city the world knows about in this state is Las Vegas.
I constantly get people asking me how the weather is in Vegas. I am closer to the weather in Eugene Oregon than I am Las Vegas. think Sacramento or San Francisco. I am only 2-3 hours from those places. Vegas is 8 hours away.
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