Not trying to defend Wallyworld here, but think practical for a second:
If I wanted to buy a TV, Computer, etc. that was made in America (All parts, etc.) where would I do that and how much would I expect to pay?
If jeans, shirts, coats, etc. were made in America, how much money would they cost? How many taxes, regulations (Minimum wage, Prevailing wage), fees, etc. are imposed on the factories that would make those products - and who ends up paying for those?
What about produce, say I wanted to buy some lettuce, tomatoes, or other vegetables grown in America, harvested by American workers, shipped using American shipping companies - where would I do that, how much would I pay, and how much money is the farm being subsidised by the taxpayers?
As sick as it is, there is a reason we import low dollar items from 3rd world countries and until America wakes up that isn't going to change. We could impose tarriffs on all imported goods to make them cost what it would cost to produce in America, but then all items that we export would be subjected to tarriffs in the countries that we export them to. It is a vicious cycle that I don't see ending anytime soon, nor do I know how to solve it. Further, government could pass laws that say people must buy American goods, but that takes away a huge personal liberty. The only way I can see for the cost of goods to go down and Mom & Pop outlets to begin to flourish again is to quit regulating the price to produce things (Minimum wage/Prevailing wage, fewer taxes), more personal responsibility and common sense, and less greed.