I have been turning pens for 7 months now and had my very first craft fair a week ago. I sold some pens! I'm very proud of myself for putting myself out there and getting over the fear that no one would want my pens even though they were different. I'm very proud of one particular pen and that is the cherry burl Upgraded Jr. Gent that is shown here. I rarely make two piece pens but this one came out great. It sold in the first couple of hours. I sold 10 pens and I had 14 turned pens and 52 .308 casing pens. I had been sick all of November so that cut into my turning time but I took what I had and sold some! Thank you all for answering my questions, the encouragement and to Steve for being my buddy in my first PITH. Thank you Kenny for encouraging me to go to the show when I was about to back out because one guy was selling his pens at a low pricepoint.