Varying wood thickness in chervon construction

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Feb 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
I had this thought about gradually increasing the thickness of each layer in the glue up of a chevron block to try and mimic some motion.
I did some quick cutting of strips on the table saw and tried to increase each strip by roughly 1/32 . Did this glue up a couple days ago .

This morning I quickly cut a couple of slices from each end. This determines the direction of the chevon because the strips are not consistent.
Hastily used some medium CA to glue a blank together. One of the reasons some don't line up and sloppy saw-cutting probably adds to the error.

Anyway, turned some cylinders and did a quick friction finish to see how they look.

My quick photo outside has a bit of shade compared to the one taken inside.

Curious about what others think of the concept. I am sure it could be refined much more .

DSCN0554.jpg DSCN0555.jpg
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Looks like you are having fun. And you are actually DOING IT.

I think the diminishing sizes would look better if you reversed the directions in the middle. Similar to this. Your version is a new spin, but would great - go for it!


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I like your chevrons just the way they are. That being said i do have a suggestion for when you actually make a pen with them. Try using this for your glue ups. Titebond Translucent Wood Glue. It got rid of the black lines for me when glueing light colored wood to light colored wood. I think I bought mine at Lowes.
I like your chevrons just the way they are. That being said i do have a suggestion for when you actually make a pen with them. Try using this for your glue ups. Titebond Translucent Wood Glue. It got rid of the black lines for me when glueing light colored wood to light colored wood. I think I bought mine at Lowes.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just used Elmers white glue we had at work for chevron blank and CA to glue everything together this morning since I was antsy to turn this this morning. The black lines sure do look crummy. I would have normally added a veneer between the center section and the outer pieces for definition. Just didn't want to waste it for this test.
I have heard good things about Titebond Translucent Wood Glue. I know several folks here use it.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just used Elmers white glue we had at work for chevron blank and CA to glue everything together this morning since I was antsy to turn this this morning. The black lines sure do look crummy. I would have normally added a veneer between the center section and the outer pieces for definition. Just didn't want to waste it for this test.
I have heard good things about Titebond Translucent Wood Glue. I know several folks here use it.
I will agree on this with Dale to recommend Titebond Translucent Wood Glue.
Thanks for the suggestion. I just used Elmers white glue we had at work for chevron blank and CA to glue everything together this morning since I was antsy to turn this this morning. The black lines sure do look crummy. I would have normally added a veneer between the center section and the outer pieces for definition. Just didn't want to waste it for this test.
I have heard good things about Titebond Translucent Wood Glue. I know several folks here use it.

I use the title bond translucent a lot for wood to wood segments, has never failed me.

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I like the ascending and descending sizing.
Most certainly not chevrons, but an ascending and descending sizes from Years ago:
. . . From Stephen aka Skiprat.
Funny you brought this one up. I have this pen saved in my must do file and will eventually get around to it. I like the descending thickness too and the color combo.
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