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May 30, 2023
Has anyone else been experiencing delays with USPS? I placed an order for some goodies on Jan 2 and still don't have them. My husband placed an order from the same place days before I did, and also still doesn't have his package and it has now been delayed again. Priority packages going out (pen orders) have also been caught up for days even though it's supposed to be delivered in three days. Anyone else experiencing this?
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I had a package sent to me from California to Kentucky and it was on time. I had a package sent from Wisconsin to Kentucky and it took considerably longer than the CA to KY package. Weather this time of year plays a big part on shipments. CA to KY in the last couple weeks has been clear and the WI to KY at the same time has had a couple big storms to deal with.
I have seen occasional delays, and when you look at the tracking info, it seems like the package bounces around from location to location. Example I had was I mailed a package from my post office (northern Illinois) to Massachusetts - it took a week to make it through several Chicago USPS hubs, then went to North Carolina, then back to Chicago, then to several hubs on the east coast before finally making it to Massachusetts. So that was kind of frustrating.

I have another very recent experience I was wondering if anyone has had. I received a note this week from Etsy stating that USPS needed to make an adjustment to my shipping label cost - they claimed the package I said weighed 6oz actually weighed 4lb,13oz. This is ridiculous. I was shipping a nice coffee scoop with a Thuya Burl handle - the package weighed 6 ounces. There is no way it was even close to the weight claimed by the USPS. I even confirmed with my customer that my package arrived as expected and was only the coffee scoop (I was wondering if, somehow, USPS misidentified my package.) Anyway, USPS more than doubled my postage fee (from $4.43 to $10.17). I have contested it. I looked online, and apparently this is not a rare occurrence. There are a lot of angry postal customers getting arbitrary upcharges.
Do you use tracking for USPS to find out the approximate location of the package? I use it regularly.

I use it all the time for tracking. It helps me to know if the company or person I order from has sent it. Often times they will generate the label with the USPS but not send it for 3 or 4 or more days. Then there are the times it shows in my nearest large city but it seems to get stuck there for several days. (That generally means it got lost or damaged in shipment.) and next it shows when it is enroute to my local USPS. Last, it shows that it is at my local USPS or out for delivery. (MY local USPS does not deliver to the house, but only to the USPS BOX number, so I have to pick it up there.)

It does not speed up the delivery but sure helps to know generally where it is.
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Do you use tracking for USPS to find out the approximate location of the package? I use it regularly.

I use it all the time for tracking. It helps me to know if the company or person I order from has sent it. Often times they will generate the label with the USPS but not send it for 3 or 4 or more days. Then there are the times it shows in my nearest large city but it seems to get stuck there for several days. (That generally means it got lost or damaged in shipment.) and next it shows when it is enroute to my local USPS. Last, it shows that it is at my local USPS or out for delivery. (MY local USPS does not deliver to the house, but only to the USPS BOX number, so I have to pick it up there.)

It does not speed up the delivery but sure helps to know generally where it is.
Yes sir, but I often find that USPS doesn't scan, meaning in the end I have no idea where a package is. 🤷‍♀️

I should clarify by saying, there is some initial scanning that usually stops along the way, and then the package just shows up.
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I have seen occasional delays, and when you look at the tracking info, it seems like the package bounces around from location to location. Example I had was I mailed a package from my post office (northern Illinois) to Massachusetts - it took a week to make it through several Chicago USPS hubs, then went to North Carolina, then back to Chicago, then to several hubs on the east coast before finally making it to Massachusetts. So that was kind of frustrating.

I have another very recent experience I was wondering if anyone has had. I received a note this week from Etsy stating that USPS needed to make an adjustment to my shipping label cost - they claimed the package I said weighed 6oz actually weighed 4lb,13oz. This is ridiculous. I was shipping a nice coffee scoop with a Thuya Burl handle - the package weighed 6 ounces. There is no way it was even close to the weight claimed by the USPS. I even confirmed with my customer that my package arrived as expected and was only the coffee scoop (I was wondering if, somehow, USPS misidentified my package.) Anyway, USPS more than doubled my postage fee (from $4.43 to $10.17). I have contested it. I looked online, and apparently this is not a rare occurrence. There are a lot of angry postal customers getting arbitrary upcharges.
I too have noticed a lot of bouncing around to hubs that leave me perplexed. I'm baffled at the bouncing for example; NC to Virginia, Carrollton Tex to Virginia and then back to Texas. Seems really ridiculous and inefficient.
My experience: I made a purchase on November 30th, it took a month to leave the USA, then, with customs and everything, and France too, it has not yet arrived, as of January 12th... But anyway, it is not lost.
Only for the last 61 years....... My neighbors made the mistake of complaining about our carrier and the next 2 days we found our mail on the lawn, in shrubs, and our mailboxes left open. My uncle was the head of the popular FL PO for close to 30 years. I will quote him. "The post office's last priority is to deliver your mail". Needs to be privatized.
Of course there are the occasional glitches and they are a pain, but overall I marvel at the sheer volume of mail they handle and how they can even get the job done. The postmaster here always gives me advice on how I should send things based on cost and on what routes it will take. He can usually tell me what locations are backed up or are experiencing abnormally high volume if I have something that is time sensitive. - Dave
They are worse during the holidays but at best there service is "ok"
I use Pirate ship - to ship goods and can get UPS for usually just a few cents more than USPS
My wife and I were just on the local news this week about USPS service being so slow. The reporter heard from my wife about it because we have had some late fees incurred on us due to the USPS taking so long to deliver. The interview was 20-30 minutes long, but cut down to about 1.5 minutes and only her comments were included in the final form. I am just sitting there looking goofy. There were included statements by some of our lawmakers. One of them is now introducing the "Pony Up" act to force the USPS to pay people's late fees if it is determined that it is their fault. My wife mentioned in the interview that the Pony Express would be faster than the USPS lately. We wonder if that's why the act is called the Pony Up act.
If you're interested, the link is:
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... overall I marvel at the sheer volume of mail they handle and how they can even get the job done ...
Me too.

I'm an electrical/electronic engineer by training, and I have a good idea how satellite communications work, how radio and tv work, and a bunch of other stuff. I have no idea how a box of step drills and mandrels that Rick Herrell hands into a post office in NC arrives at my house in MA a few days later, all for about $10.
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