USPS click n ship

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Sep 14, 2007
Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA.
I know several of you out there use this and my wife (yes really my wife) has a question on it. She knows she needs scales, she already has boxes and flat rate envelopes. Does she need to buy the labels or do the free ones work also? She is trying to figure out the best way to do this. She has some stuff that she is going to start selling on ebay and doesn't want to make a huge amount of trips to the post office (it's a pain to go there). Any help is appreciated.
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I just print my labels on regular printer paper. USPS also provides clear plastic invoice "style" envelopes for free. I've now started using these instead of taping them on.;)
I use click n ship for just about all of my shipping. I use some Fed-X labels I came across a while back. If it will attach to the package, it will work.

Also, I have a cheap garage sale kitchen scale I use. I pretty much guesstimate my weights. Of course the majority of my shipments are flat rate and don't need to be weighed. And are usually under a pound. But when I do need to weigh, it's just with in a few ounces, over of course. Thats just me, I don't ship all that much.
All my shipping goes by Click 'n Ship. I live several miles outside of town, a round trip to the post office would cost me more than a gallon of gas, plus time. With CnS, the new rates are lower if you have a pick up at the house. My labels are printed by my computer, that's why they call it "click". I didn't know about the invoice envelopes from the PO, will have to get some and save another two cents worth of tape. BTW, I weigh everything on a digital postal scale I bought off eBay several years ago. Paid $25.00, with shipping. It saved it's cost the first month I had it.
Like Frank said, the postage scale will pay for itself if you plan on shipping a lot. You can also pick up the self adhesive labels on Ebay for a good price, search postage labels.
Hey Dustin, I do the click-and-ship thing all the time. Works great. If you are using the flat rate boxes, the post office will ship them to you for free as well. I just print the labels out on plain paper and tape them on the bos when I tape it shut. Schedule a pick up, set out on the porch the next mornig and......waa-laa. Definately beats the trips to the post office.
I use click and ship. It is nice once you have all the address entered. pay pal is faster though since you don't have to enter the address. you can also order all your mailing supplies on line and have them delivered to you. delivery can be slow (like a month) at times. They used to even supply tape but ended that a couple of years ago. I also just print on copier paper. fold it in half and tape it to the box. never lost a package yet ( at least not due to damaged shipping labels).
So where do you all store your boxes for pick up? Most of us are not home when the post office would pick up and I'm not to sure I am comftorable leaving it on the porch as I live on a busy road.
Originally posted by spitfire

So where do you all store your boxes for pick up? Most of us are not home when the post office would pick up and I'm not to sure I am comftorable leaving it on the porch as I live on a busy road.

Oh go ahead and leave those packages right outside your front door. They'll be safe. BTW, what's that house address???? ;):D
Hi, so if you were to get a bigger mail box to accept the kind of packages we ship and receive, would the mail man pick them up if you put the flag up? I have to figure something out shortly. Carl
Originally posted by Daniel

I use click and ship. It is nice once you have all the address entered. pay pal is faster though since you don't have to enter the address. you can also order all your mailing supplies on line and have them delivered to you. delivery can be slow (like a month) at times. They used to even supply tape but ended that a couple of years ago. I also just print on copier paper. fold it in half and tape it to the box. never lost a package yet ( at least not due to damaged shipping labels).

I cut off and save the receipt half of the mailing label. Important deduction at tax time.
Originally posted by spitfire

So where do you all store your boxes for pick up? Most of us are not home when the post office would pick up and I'm not to sure I am comftorable leaving it on the porch as I live on a busy road.

That is unfortunate. I live in a rural area. If six vehicles come by my house in one day, that's a lot. And, we have a covered porch, very handy.
I use the Click and Ship all the time. Frequently when the label doesn't print, I have to cancel it but they always want to charge for it anyways. You can file online for a refund and they are ussually good about it but it takes 7-10 days for them to credit it.

I use the shipping peel off labels from Label I just order a pack of 100 online at They ship them right out. Very handy as it also prints a record label at the same time.
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