Gotcha. Well, the first hurdle is getting the photo hosted. You can put it in your album here or use a free service like I use that a lot, easy, free, has some web posting tools built in. Sounds like you're able to put them in your photo album, so you're good there.
Now, you need to know the URL for the photo. So, look at the photo in your web album. RIGHT click on the picture and get the image URL. You have to go to properties in Explorer. Firefox makes it easier by giving you a 'copy image location' option.
Ok, so now you need to insert it in the classified. To do that, you need what are called 'Image Tags'. You wrap the URL in these. For example, to post the IAP image at the top of the page, you would type:
Photobucket gives you this wrap automatically, and there's buttons you can use when going to advance posting here, but I'm so used to doing it manually, I usually do, lol