Update on my mom

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Jun 6, 2009
Hull, GA
Thought I would give a quick update on my previous thread about my mom on Thursday. She is still in ICU, and as of this morning, is still on the ventilator. She was taken off of it for 2-3 hours on Saturday, but she was working too hard without it. We now know the source of her troubles--she had a contrast CT and they found 3 kidney stones, one of which was blocking the opening to the ureter. The urologist placed a stent in the opening to allow the fluid and infection to drain out. She is still very sick, and on antibiotics, but they have completely removed the medication to bring her blood pressure up as she's keeping it up on her own. They will take another look at taking her off the ventilator today. All in all, her numbers are moving in a positive direction, and hopefully continue to do so.

Thank you to everyone who posted their thoughts and prayers in the last thread.
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My wife went through almost the same thing a number of years ago and I thought I was going to loose her. I am so pleased to hear of your mom's progress and will continue to lift her in prayer.

God is good - all the time!

The angels are watching over her Brian. We are so glad that she is doing a little better. Don't loose faith my friend. Jesus is at her side.
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