Update on my Dad.

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Mar 30, 2006
Putnam, Connecticut, USA.
Well today, just two weeks from the day he went in, my Dad is back home. They have him on about 6 meds and the O2 tank, but he is home and Mom is very happy!

Here is my Dad by the way, like I mentioned he has always been skinny, but here in the late fall is when I think the COPD may of been getting to him. (In case you need help, he is the one in the red shirt!)


PS: They shaved off his beard, and he is not too happy!

Thanks for all the prayers and kind words guys! (and ladies!)
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Yea, I live in Northern Connecticut Arthur... We have not seen that green stuff in a LONG TIME!!

Time will tell about the smoking, but I think a 2 week stint and half of that on a ventilator did the trick! He used to say that when he stopped he would begin to cough and it went away with another butt. Looking back, I of all people should of put two and two togather. It was probably all the "gunk" keeping the air sac's "working" and closed. Stop smoking, and those failed air sac's open up and stop working.

I urge anyone who smokes to read this web site about this problem as it really can sneak up on you. You owe it to your loved ones to at least read it so you can have the symptoms in you head. It is the 4th leading cause of death in the USA. [xx(]

Best of luck to your dad, Lee. Too bad they had to shave his beard too. I got a kick out of the picture, your dad reminds me of my father in law, belt buckle and all! Glad he is back home :)
glad to hear it lee and as a fellow bear wearer, sad to see that one had to go. it looks like he spent many years working on that one! best wishes to a speedy recovery.
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