Twist pen transmission too loose!

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Jan 10, 2023
Eugene OR
As I write with the pen the nib slowly backs up into the pen. I can see that is because the clip rests against my finger rotating the transmission. I can feel how loose the transmission is when I extend the nib. I've made plenty of pens and this is not normal. Unfortunately this pen is made by my sister of wood from the chairs we all sat on as our late mother raised us.
Any ideas how to firm this up?
Which kit? or twist mechanism? slim line? 8mm/ euro, cigar? It may be easier to replace it.
I ruined a twist mechanism while using the press to disassemble. I found replacements somewhere and bought 2 different sizes. I am sure you can find them somewhere, maybe PSI?

Larae; The term "too loose" is a bit misleading. From your description, the transmission is rotating as the pen is used. Most / All? transmissions have a detent when extended. Extend the pen point slowly and watch the nib point carefully. It should extend and then just as it reaches maximum extension retract **slightly**. This detent keeps the point from retracting in use. Sometimes if the point extends too much, it will not reach the detent.

As Mredburn asked, a closeup photo of the pen clip alone AND pen would be helpful for identification.

It is possible to remove a transmission with care and a transfer punch set.
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