Turning blank to even out with bushings

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Nov 20, 2021
Im having trouble recently triming and sanding a blank to even out with a bushing. Once it looks smooth and even..I apply the blank with the pen kit then oh my! The blank is either to high or to low. Any suggestions?
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Bushings are just a guide. Use them to get close and then turn between centers and use calipers to get to exactly where you want it.
As David said, bushings are just a guide. You might also want to measure the actual pen parts and compare them with the bushing measurements even before you start to make sure you have the right bushings and that they are in the order you expect. - Dave
I measure the parts and turn accordingly, using the calipers frequently. The last few thousandths might take some extra time but results in a good pen. At least I think it's good.
Try these suggestions:
1. Using scrap materials (the same or similar to what you use for your pens) to do some self-training sessions. Thus avoid wasting the more valuable stuff.
2. Try turning training materials (scrap) to a size slightly over the desired finish size, using the bushings. You can do this by sight and by touch.
3. Get a set of digital calipers (DC). Use the calipers to measure as you turn your training blanks down very close to the desired finish size, knowing that you will sand as the next step. Learn how much material comes off with the sanding process.
4. Sand to desired finish size. You are learning to do each of the steps, including how to accurately use DC's.
5. Try this for training: take measurements using DC's. Do this using heavy and light thumb pressure. Notice the difference in you readings. Attempt to standardize your measuring techniques so you get the same result each time. There are probably Youtube vids for instruction.

I will stop here. The point is to devote some time and effort to learning each of the different steps in making your pens. The goal is quickly getting to the point of being able to achieve repeatable results...learning and practicing specific techniques. Before long, they will become second nature. Your pens will come out better, and everything will be more enjoyable.
I have been turning pens for several years ( and posted so here) with the simple method of a caliper measurment of the components. Never did get a bad fit! Try it and save yourselfers a whole bundle of frustration and a few bucks. P
I'm not going to tread over the top of what everyone else has written about measurement of the blank vs bushing.

However, I will say that putting a caliper on your bushings may also be something you want to do just to make sure you don't have a problem there. You could have one that's not the correct diameter.

One other thing to ask that occurs to me as I write this. How do you turn? Are you using a mandrel or Turn Between Center setup? It's possible your mandrel may not be perfect and will then translate a problem into the blank.
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